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At the Mess Hall...

Oriskany went inside the Mess Hall/Cafeteria to get some fresh water from Nevada.

Oriskany: Just a normal water Nevada.

Nevada: Alright, here you go!

Oriskany: Thanks.

Everyone got a glimpse on me, watching me.. I noticed some of them are slight red too.. until I saw..

Cleveland: Oriskany!

Oriskany: Cleveland.

Cleveland: How are you?

Oriskany: I'm good, besides you owe me something.

Cleveland: Huh? What did I do?

Oriskany: You barge in a door at the conference room, you almost broke my nose.

Unsurprisingly, everyone facepalmed as Cleveland sweat dropped and sensing a nervous from her.

Hornet: Cleveland, seriously? You've done that to San Diego once too.

Cleveland: Eheh..~ Sorry Oriskany..

Oriskany: Apologies accepted, think before you did it.

Cleveland: Alright.

... TIME SKIP ...

Eagle Union and Royal Navy's Carrier went to Oriskany.

Essex: Hey Oriskany.

Oriskany: Yea sis?

Essex: Can you give us a tour about your plane?

Oriskany: Yeah, sure. Follow me girls!

Oriskany agreed to tour one of the aircraft on his ship. They went up at Oriskany's flight deck. 

Oriskany: Welcome to my ship, also known as The Big Risk! I always sortied risky missions back in my world, well let's just say I'm the luckiest Carrier came back without unscathed.

Bunker Hill: Woah..

Oriskany: That's the E-2 Hawkeye, the only aircraft uses propellers. That plane use for scouting and early warning aircraft, controlled by the AI.

Langley: Artificial Intelligence?

Oriskany: Yup. I normally called him Trigger.

Trigger AWACS: All system are all online, USS Oriskany. Ready for duty.

The Carriers were surprised.

Victorious: That would actually pretty useful when it comes to reconnaissance isn't it?

Oriskany: Yep, Back in my world, every carrier have one of these. Next up is.. F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. I call it Super Hornet for short.

Hornet: Inheriting my name huh? Looks like I'm that quite popular in your world.

Oriskany: Mhmm, it is. Super is a multi-role Fighter Jets. Meaning that the jets can attack Air, Ground and bringing Air Superiority. Plus, the jets equipped with autocannons, multiple guided missiles and bombs.

Hornet: Woah, that's a lot to take in and really powerful!

Enterprise: Wait, Missiles? I heard that the Iron Blood manufactured it. Why did you have it?

Oriskany: Well Enterprise, You are correct. Iron Blood is the first who developed the Missile. But this missile *points the missile on Super Hornet* is purely made from Eagle Union in my world. Based on the the details and textures, it's based on our finest technologies.

USS Oriskany's New JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now