Headache is the Finest-

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In SG Communicator
Sike (In low tone of voice)
Stop Right There You Criminal Scum! (yell/scold but not scream like crazy dood)

Oriskany: Oh- uhm, I should go joi-

Helena META: Not yet.

Oriskany: What?!

Helena META: I need you to experience as a non-affiliate faction.

Oriskany: Seriously?

Helena META: Yes. I need you to experience it first, and then join the faction.

Oriskany: Whatever you say so, but you better be with me when I'm lonely as hell!

Helena META: I will. Now run, summon your riggings and jumps out of the base.

Oriskany: Aleoop!

Oriskany put on his bandana mask and summon his riggings and starts to climb up the wall of the base like a madlad until..

??? Stop right there!

An unknown Carrier yells him, as he's already at top of the walls, Oriskany saw 5 Union's ships that has already arrived, he jumps down and start make a runaway plan. The escaping espionage has already been success with the help of Helena META's technology.

Oriskany: Who knew your technology could make people go invisible, that's cool.

Helena META: I'm from different timeline after all, It should be safe soon..

Oriskany: Let's hope so.... Where am I heading?-

Helena META: You are sailing towards the Pacific States, California.

Oriskany: Oh cool, meet there I guess?

Helena META: Alright, there's someone that you want to meet too.

Oriskany: The more the merrier.

... TIME SKIP ...

Oriskany unsummon his ship due to his exhaustion trip, laying down at the flight deck, dying inside.


Row, Row, Row your boat
Gently on the streaaaamm~
Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily
Towards to the ORISKANYYYYYYYY!!!

*SG Notification*

Oriskany: Ha?- Oh I arrived. Shit.

Helena META: I knew you'd think  twicesaying that .

Oriskany: Your SG can read peoples mind now huh?

Helena META: You'll find out soon, I see your ship. Dock there and try not to ran aground, and meet at the baach.

Oriskany: Right-O!

... TIME SKIP ...

Helena META: Meet Yorktown META, she's not from my timeline, but frim different timeline.

Oriskany: Pleasure to meet you!

Yorktown META: Hm. Pleasure to meet you too..

Oriskany: So, what do you mean I need to experience as a non-affiliate faction? Wait, don't tell me-

Helena META: Goodluck survive without any helps from the shipgirls. 

Oriskany: Oh come on! Am I that bad or somethin?

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