Decisive Fights

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Yorktown META: This is bad, we need Oriskany out of the fight before he got more wounded.. but how..

Helena META: We need something to distract them.

???: I think I know how.

Helena META: You know how Ember?

Ember: Of course, ever since I infiltrate Sakura Empire 6 months ago.

Helena META: Alright, you do the job to distract them, we'll take Oriskany off them.

Ember: Consider it done.

Helena META: I need your help too.

Yorktown META: Hm. Let's go.

... TIME SKIP ...

Oriskany POV

Oriskany struggling to fight off Enterprise, whose being brainwash off. Enterprise flew off with her SBD Dauntless, as Oriskany shoot multiple arrow at her, it missed all of them as he fired more arrows at her. He flew off with his F/A 18E/F Super Hornet. Little did he knew that the plane was a decoy and noticed from his behind, Enterprise shoots an arrow that shatter into 15 arrows. Oriskany dash towards Enterprise as he jumps off of his fighter jets.

Oriskany's thoughts: How the hell..!

Well, It's Code G alright, she's really good when it comes to Strategic movements. Don't let her create an opening at you.

Oriskany's Thoughts: Damn..! That good META me?!

You Underestimate her Oriskany, go catch a breath first.

Oriskany's thoughts: That's the problem, other me! She's too fast even if she has an outdated plane!

Even the outdated plane, Code G boost all her abilities to make it more faster, quite an abnormal to say at least..

I know how. All you gonna do is to fight in the air just like Enterprise fought Kaga earlier.

Oriskany's thoughts: ...Risky but I love it! Let's do it!- Wait- What about everyone?

Don't worry about them, they're most likely watching the cinema that you fight along with the Sakura. Not matter of time, The Ashes will come to take you alive so you can have a proper aid wound. Code G pierce you with an arrow... is not an ordinary arrow that Enterprise used.

Oriskany's thoughts: Shit! Not good! I already made a promise not to die! Not like this!

Oriskany whistle as the F/A 18E/F Super Hornet flew under him and Oriskany board on the jet as he flew up, Enterprise chase him and flew up too. Oriskany was shocked to see that Enterprise manage to get near him.

Oriskany's thoughts: Is this what you say about Code G Abilities?! Boost her speed moral stuff and shits?!

Yes. As I said, even if you have advanced technologies, never underestimate your opponent if they have an outdated technology. Once your jets can't go up anymore, jump off and grab Enterprise off her plane, the fight will be on the air until you fall under the water. Not matter of time that the place is unstable too because of Akagi's disappearance.

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