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🌱TW : starting from this chapter there going to be possible triggers like pill abuse ,throwing up, eating disorder and possibly more. TW🌱

"I'm losing days of sleep thinking about a time when it was just you and me. "Forever and always" you said. I suppose it's my own silly fault for thinking such simple words could have such potential meaning. So I sit here, reading over letters you sent and typing paragraphs that l'll never send hoping that one day you'll show up on my doorstep and I can find a way to forgive you for ever leaving it."

Not being satisfied enough with the multiple cigarettes Haechan just smoked, he added some pills.
God who knew what pills that were, probably strong pain killers, something that hard cancer disordered people would get, wondering however he got them, but not Interested enough not to take them.

They were tiny, maybe like half of the top of your pinky. Two colors as always, but these had a disgusting taste as soon as they went in your mouth. It was bitter and absolutely disgusting but who cares as soon as they work right?
If it hits you're gonna be okay

So he took two. Kinda a stupid idea because he didn't knew wich affect they had on his body but if it's bad , it can't be bad bad. There's always a worse thing

Sitting around waiting till they're gonna hit, he watched the people randomly walking around

He watched the sunset and welcomed the slowly coming darkness.
He felt his head spinning, means the pills must've start working, wich made him happy.
He got up and walked, feeling his legs being 'funny' and his head spinning.  It was like his one brain side would get ticklet and stabbed at the same time, but it wasn't a bad feeling so he continued walking around, catching himself walking like he's drunk, wich is actually pretty funny.

It got less funny and more comfortable, that's how probably all of these addiction parts begin, wich is actually really dangerous but nothing to care about now. Is it?
It happend anyways.
So he just spend time walking around, searching for a Comfortable place,

Stopping in front of marks house.

He called Mark hoping he's still awake, but tomorrow is school and it's almost midnight so it was a fifty fifty chance.



Ri- "what"
"hey here's haech-" "Yes I know why are you standing in front of my house, tryna kill us?"


"bro it was a joke wait a Sec im comming "
He heard the peep and then the door opening

"what's wrong?" He came out, leaned the door on
"uhm haha I uh well. I just ended up comming here I guessss"

He may didn't noticed but mark did, that he muffled while speaking wich was noticeable instantly.

"oh my God don't tell me you're drunk, I won't let you in if I have to be worried that you're gonna Thow up in my bed " while telling he touched the forehead and cheek of the younger one ,checking if he was hot

"noo I didn't drunk don't worry. Let us go inside im tired "
Before he could answer he already got pushed forward to his room.

" Did you took drugs?" He still wanted to dig deeper asking why he showed up, watching the caramel toned boy searching for a sweatpants in marks closet.
" No I didn't"
with that he threw himself on top of Mark and rolled over on the wall side of the bed, it always has been his favorite.
He always ended up sleeping on that part, whyever.

"Are you okay hyuck?" A last question came out of the boy on his right side, regretting asking out of fear to interrupt his sleep

"mhh-mh" he pressed out half asleep, on the edge to fully Fall asleep.

It may didn't bothered Haechan, but mark alot.
He shouldn't mind it that much because everything seems fine but he sensed that something is off and that's mostly nothing great.

Watching Haechan slowly falling asleep had something soothing on it , it was awesome.
Until he fell asleep by himself,
Being excited for tomorrow's poem class

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