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" You actually thought I loved you ? "
he said lowly with a small evil chuckle as your lips are one inch from touching
" no one will ever love a piece of shit like you "
you feel a warm tear leaving your eye and rolling down your cheeks
" oh i'm sorry did i hurt you ? "
he came closer to your right ear and whispered
" good "
" keep crying those are my tears you cry for me and only me you are . mine ."

Mark shared the place next to him with Haechan.
He loved walking with him in the cold dark evenings.

He brought him home since he wanted to be sure that he's actually getting in bed

"You don't have to come with in if you wanna go home or something it's all fine. "



"No. I'm coming in and make sure you actually go to bed."

So he was serious the whole time.

"Okay so let's go in I guess. It's cold "
Truth is he wanted it to be done as soon as possible.

Empty. To Mark , looked Haechan's house just empty and unalive. Not like someone would actually live here. The cold rush of air that greets you as soon as you get in ,the unused way to cleaned kitchen,bedrooms and bathrooms. It's like Haechan wouldn't live here, not eating not using anything that is standing here. Everything looks the same as the last time that Mark was here, and it was scary. His mom is someone who changes something everyday ,gets new things so use and decorate. Where's his mom through, he never met her.

"Where's your mom by the way, I don't think I ever met her or even seen her here"

The words he wished he wouldn't hear today.

"I don't know probably out or something. "

So she's never here ,I see.

Mark started to run up the stairs and went into Haechan's room, and jumped into his bed, waiting for the slow walking boy to catch up.

"Didn't you said you want me to sleep? Instead you're in my bed taking all the space "
"Fat ass" he added under his breath

"I heard that. Just come here "
Mark laughed and raised the blanked , signaling him to hop under

He just continued to walk slow through the room, to eventually get his way into the bed too.
It's warm and cozy , but only because he's here. He knew when Mark leaves that everything is going to feel cold and lonely. If only he could stay

Stay for a little longer.

"Please stay a little longer" he whispered

" I won't leave you" he answered after a long time, quietly telling him that he's going to stay as long as he needs him to.

He was so ready
to throw it all up .
he stuck in , his two fingers
But then
he Remembered he has a fear of throwing up
" I'll just go workout "
he said miserable

He felt so much sadness towards the younger boy.
Sometimes it felt like he tries for nothing, to get back what once was just for his own pleasure.

So that he wouldn't break down on the fact that Haechan was a loss ,and would only break him more.
But taking the chance he sees, is the common reason people break down. Right?

He got up, trying not to wake up the younger boy, sitting next to him.
He's sleeping, finally. It took a while, unhealthy while. He shouldn't have to deal with so much things at this young age but there's nothing he could do for him. Instead he stays and hopes for the best, maybe some day he would come and ask for help.

He's still that little boy, that got left alone. And it was hard to see him suffer in silence, unable to understand what happen to him.

He's so beautiful. He spend minutes looking at him, it was totally dark outside ,the street lamp lighted through the huge window making it possible to see the sleeping boy.
He doesn't deserve this.

Mark got up slowly, stands up and kneels  down again, this time Infront of him

"i don't feel safe letting you alone when you're in that shape " he muttered silently
He let out a sigh one last time and left the room

He shouldn't have ,but he walked through the house ,looking at everything.
The pretty ,really pretty house.
There were actually pictures somewhere , of a little kid. A little happy looking kid, with his mom on a playground. God he wished nothing more than to know that this wasn't Haechan.

It was tiring, walking through the house seeing not a single sign that someone lives here. He had to go. He looked at the clock a last time and left the house
Making his way back home

His mom was waiting, he wasn't sure if she's just awake or actually waiting for him.
He forgot to text her, it's not the first time and probably not the last time.

"I'm sorry " he muttered as soon as he walked in

"It's fine son, I was up anyways. Come here "

Something was not alright and he noticed.
But he was sure she wouldn't want to talk about it so asking wasn't an option.

They just sat down and talked for a while , before she remembered that he has school and should at least get sleep for a few hours , knowing he won't get them anyways.

But it's worth a try, right?

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