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"Going out so soon?" Lauren questioned. I hadn't realized that she was up already. Although she hadn't been up long by the looks of it. She had a mug in one hand and her other massaging her head. Her brunette braids that fell asleep with were a frizzy mess, but were still obvious braids. "Thought I'd stop across the street and try the coffee shop," I stated. She scoffed and gave me a soft, sleepy smile. "He was a clumsy 'lil shit, huh?" She asked with a low, bittersweet tone. She picked up a framed photo, showing her late brother. I loved Eric, a lot, but I couldn't stand to think about him 24/7. Lauren would though, and torture herself. I had a feeling I'd be on puke cleanup duty for a while.

I held the door handle but hesitated to leave. "Do you want anything while I'm out?" I asked. She shook her head, and smiled faintly. Today was a gloomy day. She wouldn't be the smiley and bubbly Lauren, I knew. That scared me sometimes. To know that she could just switch so easily.

When I walked into the coffee shop, it seemed to have a slow morning. A couple of people scattered, minding their own business. One girl had a sketch book, a guy was people watching. I noticed another person in the corner of the coffee shop, who just looked down at a notebook. He had sunglasses on, although it wasn't very bright in the coffee shop. I quickly averted my gaze, hoping no one thought I was being creepy as I analyzed them.

"Good morning," the cashier greeted sweetly. She didn't wear a complete uniform, just a casual outfit and a white apron. That made the shop seem more home-y and comforting, which I appreciated. The best feeling in an unfamiliar place, if you ask me.

The cashier was a goddess in disguise. She wore an apron, but that still couldn't hide her figure. A petite figure that I envied. She had long gorgeous strawberry hair, and crystal green eyes. "Can I getcha something?" She chirped. "A hot tea and a croissant, please."

She nodded and headed off to gather my meal. I parted off to the side, crossing my arms and studying my shoes. It was a small habit I had formed over the last couple of months. Eric had been a little more outgoing than me. He made friends easily, and I would tag along. I wasn't used to being alone. It settled in after time and I learned ways to keep to myself. Talking to people was easy, but keeping in contact wasn't. Being friends with someone like Izzy might be a good change in pace for me. "You come here often or are you following me?" I heard someone behind me say. I instantly lift my head from the ground view and turn to see messy black hair. He lifted his sunglasses to rest on his head, which helped me recognize the familiar stranger. He had been sitting there the entire time, and I didn't notice it was Izzy.

My cheeks grew warm and I shrugged my shoulders. "Neither. Must be a simple coincidence," I giggled a bit. He looked back down to his notebook, hiding another smile like he did yesterday. I tried to grab a look at his notebook, but I was too far. "Miss?" The mystery beauty called. I turn to face her and she flashes a warming smile. "4.75 is your amount," she states. "I got it," Izzy called, rushing over. I grumbled a little bit as he smoothly made his way past me to pass her a $5 bill.

* * *


I paid for her breakfast and she didn't seem absolutely thrilled that I did so. It confused me at first. Until I saw her face. By reading it, I could tell she had an idea of who I was. It kind of bummed me, but my heart was glad to see her. It jumped when she walked in. It controlled my mouth and legs as I passed her to hand in the money. I couldn't just apologize for that.

"I'm well enough to pay for my own food, thanks," she said, grabbing her bag. I laughed shortly, "Just trying to make a friend," I stated simply. She stopped walking towards the exit, and abruptly turned to me. Her brown eyes studied me, making me fidget a bit under her gaze.  She smiled as she noticed her effect. It was annoying, but I didn't want her to leave yet. "You don't wanna sit and chat? I don't have anywhere to be anytime soon," I questioned, anticipation smoothing over my words. She shrugged and glanced towards the door. My heart sunk as she did. Silence filled the coffee shop, only Michael Jackson filling the room. Dani walked past me, a whiff of vanilla and lavender passing me as well. She was dressed messily today, a bit different from yesterday. She wore sweatpants, and a dark blue shirt. She looked really nice in blue. It clashed against the warmth of her auburn hair, but complimented her cool, calm persona. "You gonna sit and chat with me rockstar? Or are you gonna keep staring me down?" She teased. I almost jumped to rush and sit down across from her. I don't know what had gotten a hold of me, but I couldn't seem to control it. I was fidgety and panicked. I was hating the idea of her walking out. I didn't know what to say, but knew that I wanted to know everything about her. I looked up to see her absolutely lost at the mess I had become. Which made me realize that I hadn't had a dose of...anything for a while. No wonder why I was so sweaty. Instead of rushing for a stash, I stayed still, waiting for her never-ending list of facts. "So uh, what's the fun fact of the day?" I managed to laugh off. She giggled sweetly and sipped her tea. Her lips were a nice shade of rosy pink, which matched her tinted cheeks. It added to her glowing, comfortable look of the day. "Umm did I tell you about the very first intercollegiate match?" She asked. I shook my head quickly. I was like a kid waiting for his story time, entertained by every detail. I was more focused on the her enthusiastic look in her eyes as she spoke than the facts. But it was all I could do to get her to talk and ramble on. She was shy and a bit awkward, sort of how I was. I didn't mind though. "It was between Harvard and Yale, so their little rival sorta kinda makes more sense. As American as football is, the first sport was rowing, which the two schools competed in 1852, I think," she went on.

Before we knew it, early noon had snuck in. That called me to the studio, and she said she had important business. Dani liked to keep her personal life to herself. She was still a complete mystery. All I knew was that her name was Danielle and that she didn't know how to skate, she just liked to visit the skatepark. The only reason as to why she knew so many fun facts was that she read a lot, and was pretty studious.

"Will I see you again?"

She turned her head to glance my way. She smirked, "Where shall we bump into each other again?"

 She smirked, "Where shall we bump into each other again?"

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I shrugged and scratched my head. "You wanna come to the Whiskey with me and my friends? I mean you can...bring a friend- friends! I don't wanna assume-"

She laughed loudly, "I'll think about it. Tonight?"

I nodded and smiled like an idiot. She patted my shoulder awkwardly, which sent a small wave of adrenaline through my body. "See you later, Izzy."

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