Losing control

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Trigger: blood, self harm, panicking

It has been a week since Sam learned about Tommy. Now they were checking on him and making sure he was not snitching. Sam was actually still nice towards Tommy. He sometimes came to visit them too. He also brought some blood for the kid time to time.

Everything was going smoothly until one day when Tommy was playing in the house Wilbur accidentally cut himself. He was cutting onions for dinner and his hand slipped and made a big cut on his finger.

Phil was out for his job and Techno was out for practicing. That means he was alone with Tommy in the house. He held his hand in pain and rushed to the bathroom. He washed his hand away from the blood and tried to stop the bleeding. That was when he noticed Tommy staring at him with big red eyes.

The blond was licking his lips and looking directly at the cut on Wilbur's hand. Wilbur had gotten injured before or the others, but he never saw Tommy's blood hunger this badly.

"Tommy, you are scaring me. Can you please control yourself?" Tommy didn't respond, he was shaking. He tried to back away from Wilbur, but his body kept stopping him. It has been months since he had drank human blood and he forgot how much he wanted it.

"W-Wibur, I can't. I-I don't want to hurt y-you."

"I understand buddy. It's okay, I know you won't hurt me. Try to calm down, remember what we practice." Tommy shaked his head violently before turning away, and running to his room.

"Tommy!" Wilbur ran after him but Tommy had locked the door behind him.

"Wilbur go away! I can smell it, please leave. I-I can't control it, leave!"

"I need to make sure you are okay."

"I am fine, now go and stop the bleeding dummy."

"Promise me!"

"I promise now go!" Wilbur left and bandaged up his finger as quickly as he could.

Tommy was shaking like crazy in the room. He wanted to leave the house at the moment but he knew that would make Wilbur more worried. He took his hand and bit it super fast. His fangs got inside of his skin and he tasted his own blood. This was one way to stop himself from hurting someone. The pain would stop him from thinking about the blood.

He started crying and hated himself. He didn't want to hurt anyone, he wanted to eat normal food too. Unfortunately he can't, because his stupid brother forcefully turned him to a vampire.

He punched the wall in anger and started to cry. With the sound Wilbur come back to the door.

"Tommy what was that? Are you okay?" Tommy knew he was not fine but he could still smell the blood on Wilbur's hand.

"Leave or I'll leave!" Wilbur backed away and went to the living room. He waited until Techno or Phil came. He understood how serious the issue was and he knew they needed to find another solution.

After an hour Phil was the first one to arrive at the house. Wilbur immediately opened the door for him and explained what happened in one breath.

"So the kid needs human blood now? Wilbur, we can't go that far."

"The kid needs it."

"Wilbur we can't go and capture a human for him. He needs to learn to control himself. Actually it looked like he controlled it pretty well. He will probably live with us the rest of his life. No matter how much we search for his brother we can't ask people for him. It's impossible to find him even if his brother is alive. Feeding a human to him is not an option." Wilbur nodded already knowing this answer and didn't say anything else.

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