losing a brother

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Tommy and Techno were going to another haunt in the forest. Tommy was excited to say the least. He liked going out to hunt with Techno.

Techno also liked to spend time with Tommy, even though he tried not to show it.

"Alright wanna hunt down a bigger animal? Perhaps a bear maybe?"

"I like that idea" Techno of course was joking although he would punch a bear in the face for fun.

They catch a few rabbits here and there and a few foxes. They were about to go back to the house when the feeling from last week came back to Tommy.

He could feel him, he was so close. When he became a vampire he was able to find and sense him even more. His brother was here, the problem is, he was angry.

Tommy scanned the area as he tried to find him. He believed he could see him since he was close. Techno realized the sudden change of emotions from Tommy.

"Is something wrong Tommy?"

"No, it's fine. I am just cold, let's go back to house"

"You are?" Techno got out of his cape and put it on Tommy. Techno didn't have a single motion in his face while doing that. He cared for the child but he still didn't want to show it. He was too obvious though.

Tommy felt his brother's anger more as he cuddled in the big cape. Dream was more angry but why.

Well Techno wasn't sure why but he could feel someone's anger on him. He felt weird like he was in the village again, like someone judging him. He shook the feeling away and tried to focus on the road.

He sped up a bit but he realized Tommy can't keep up with him. Since it was winter there was a quite thick layer of snow and Tommy was having trouble. Techno chuckled at the child, which responded with a glare, so he picked up Tommy.

He put him on his soldiers just like the other day and Tommy seems to like it. As soon as Tommy was on Techno's soldier he felt his brother's anger more. Actually, both of them felt the horrible feeling.

"Tommy, do you also feel that?" Techno said, looking up at the kid. Tommy nodded in horror. "Alright I'll go check on it, can you deal by yourself?"

Tommy can't deal with himself, this is his brother. "Yeah I got this, I am a big man." And of course he was not gonna say that to Techno.

Techno being bad at human emotions, just puts down Tommy and goes after this mysterious feeling that wants him dead.

Tommy was now alone in the middle of the forest. The watching feeling was getting overwhelming until he felt someone from his back. He turned around and was faced with Dream.

Before he could open his mouth, he met with a hug from him. He melted into the hug. No matter what, he missed him more than anything.

"Hello Tommy" His brother said with a cracked voice. Tommy looked up and saw his brother's mask. The smiley mask his brother wore whenever he was outside. Even with the mask you could see the tears coming down from his chin.

"I miss you"

"I miss you too, Tommy. Come on, let's go back home." His brother said, as he tried to drag him away, but Tommy didn't move.

"No, I can't leave them."

"Tommy those people are humans, other than that disgusting hybrid. They will hurt you when they get the chance. Let's go now, we need to go before he comes back."

"No, I want to say bye to them at least."

"Tommy, we don't have time."


"Then I am sorry for what I am about to do little brother."

"I am not litt-"

"Let's go home Tommy"

"Yes, brother" Dream never wanted to do that, but he manipulated Tommy to listen to him. He only did that before when that horrible day happened. He didn't want him to remember it.

He holded Tommy's tiny hand and started to walk away from the forest.

Unfortunately his little trick on Techno, didn't take too long for him to figure out. Techno came back rushing for Tommy to see this stranger with green cloak and a smiley mask, taking his brother away.

Techno got out his bow and shot through this man. He dodge it just in time and let go of Tommy. The man commended Tommy to stay in his place. Then rushed towards Techno and attacked him.

They fought until a bear came from the bushes. The bear was close to Tommy and both brothers panicked.

"Tommy came to me." The stranger yelled at Tommy. Tommy did as he was told to do, and ran to him with a humanless speed. His eyes were purple, Techno never saw this color before. He couldn't pay more attention as the bear rushed towards them.

The fighting with bear joke, was unfortunately not a joke anymore. Techno fought with the bear, while the masked man backed away with Tommy.

Oh no, he was taking Tommy away. Techno can't let that happen but he can't just leave the bear.

He could only watch as the man picked Tommy up and left. He defeated the bear in a few minutes and screamed in pain. His throat hurt but he didn't care. On the way back home, he killed every single thing he saw.

He was in tears when he got back home. He can't believe how much he bonded with this little kid in just a few months. He even called him a brother, still he couldn't protect him.

953 words. I am sorry it's a bit shorter then usual.

Edit: Forget to say, thanks for the 100 views. It makes me really happy.

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