Part 21| Beautiful Chaos (poem 10)

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Beautiful Chaos

A single look and I was dipped in honey, sweet, sticky.

It took one deep stare at those irises and I was drowning, stuck, never wanting to escape.

I locked eyes with doom itself.

I felt the heat.

I got hypnotised by its light.

I touched it and I burned,

It lit me inside and out.

I am on fire now and I am enjoying every slow dance I have with the flare.

One look and I was lost in the bushes of the gardens and the trees of a thousand forests,

I never felt that okay with wandering in a maze.

I am chasing the dawn.

I am in a spaceship and on my way to the sun.

Those eyes inspired me to write a million poems.

To feel the bitterness of the coffee not just taste it,

and to draw all the landscapes I could imagine.

One glance shook the whole world,

caused earthquakes,

broke mountains,

Started volcanoes.

Beautiful chaos.

Those eyes are not blue;

They're more captivating,

More powerful.

They're the wild, the calm,
the sweetness, the destruction,
the danger, the safe haven and they are everything in between.

Everything and its complete opposite.

One eye contact and I never want to look away.

Did a pair of eyes bewitch me or Isn't that what they call addiction?


23rd of February, 2021


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