Part 24| Long (thoughts/prose)

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Long things amaze me.

How long relationships are awesome but long distance relationships aren't preferable.

How long vacations with family are always awaited, but the long distance between the coast and the city tires us.

How long it took us to go swimming away from the shore and didn't mind, but how worried we are while thinking how will swim this long distance back.

  The opposite to long is short. I thought too much about those. Would I rather take long shots or short ones? Would I rather go further away from the shore and enjoy the waves but risk not being able to swim back or just stay at on the shore and don't risk anything?

My answer is here:

Don't ever choose short just to be safe. Don't let the shortness satisfy you but the let the longness intimidate you.

Everything takes time, sometimes a lot of time, your route will just be so long, from childhood to school, high school to university. You'll go through relationships, you'll break hearts, mend others, you'll get broken then mended. You may think you won't make it out when it gets hard, but then look at how much you achieved, how long you lived. You lived a lot of years and you went through a lot in that long route which is life, maybe not the whole route but at least the quarter, the half or maybe more.

  Just by living through these years you've lived. Just because you've made it out.

  'Long' is just an adjective. Human made it. Don't let it control you. Only your abilities and potentials but never longness.

  So if your girlfriend or boyfriend are away from you now and you're living a long distance relationship, don't let this control how you'll day with your partner, if you love them, then achieve the competition.

   If you want to apply in college but you know it'll take you long time to graduate, then do it, you have all the time in the world.

If you have a job promotion away from your country, go for it! It's okay to change places.

If you want to go further in the sea but afraid that you won't be able to go back to the shore, man! The further you go the more coral reefs you'll find. Don't think about going back till you need to go back.

  Life is all about taking new opportunities and risks, it's always achieving or achieve and go to a higher level or lose and restart again, because, you know, losing won't kill you, but trying again will make you stronger and more experienced.


Friday, 7th of February, 2020



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