Jalex ~ Three Taps - requested by @AinsleyLinn

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"Jacky?" Alex croaked, shuffling into the tv room with a blanket round his shoulders, hair messy and sticking up in different directions. Jack walked over, pressing his lips to Alex's forehead.
"Don't talk, you'll hurt your throat," he told him softly. He then ducked down, putting his arms round Alex, and scooping him up bridal style, and carried him to the sofa, pulling the spare blanket on the arm of the sofa over him.
"I'll make you soup and hot lemon," he spoke softly, as his hand gently caressed the older boys head, his fingers curling round the hair and tugging gently as he pulled then out. Alex smiled weakly, and relaxed into the sofa.
Jack put a bowl of soup and a mug of hot lemon with a spoonful of honey and a slice of ginger. (A/N: this works really well if you have a bad throat, my dad makes for for me) Alex smiled again and pulled him down. Jack pulled the other boy into his chest, and nuzzled his face in his hair.
"Love you," he murmured softly, using his index finger to tap gently on Alex's back as he did. Alex smiled, repeating the three taps with the tips of all four fingers - their code for 'I love you'.
It was something they devised for interviews, if one of them was having a shit day, or if the interviewer was flirting with one, they'd tap three times to tell each other they love each other.
Jack sat up
"Eat your soup Lex," Jack told him, kissing his cheek "or do I have to feed you?" He asked cheekily, Alex grinned
"Feed me Jacky," he answered - sounding kind of like a young school boy. Jack laughed and sat down on the foot rest next to the sofa as Alex sat up. The younger of the two grabbed a spoon, and fed him the soup, kissing his cheek every so often.
"You're so cute," Jack murmured as Alex scrunched his nose up when he saw the drink - he'd never really liked lemon "I put honey and ginger in it," he added, Alex sighed and grabbed the cup, drinking it quickly.

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