Patrick Stump - Dance, Dance

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You were stood at a party. It was a fairly sophisticated party - dancing, buffet, proper dance floor, and good music. You were with two friends, when you noticed him walking towards to, muttering to himself. You smiled to yourself at the cuteness. A hand tapped your shoulder, you turned to see a fairly attractive guy stood there.
"You're dancing with me now," he announced, reaching for your arm.
"Actually I'm with him," you answered, reaching for Patrick. The guy gave you an odd look
"Sorry he was just a bit of a dick," you apologised to Patrick. He shook his head nervously
"Do you wanna, y'know, dance?" He asked, you looked at him.
"Yeah, sure," you answered with a smile. His face broke into a huge grin, as he offered you a hand. You gladly accepted and danced with him for a while. After dancing with him for a while, you sat with him at the bar.
"I enjoyed this," Patrick commented. you nodded in agreement
"I never got your name, I'm (y/n)," you smiled, holding out a hand for him to shake.
"Patrick," he answered, shaking your hand gently. He sat nervously for a while, before gaining the courage to speak up.
"I'd like to see you again.. err if that's okay?" He asked. you nodded with a smile, writing your number on a napkin, and leaving to go home.

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