Fuenciado ~ Military boy

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Vic woke up early as usual, waiting for the postman to come, then rushing to the door and looking through the mail for the familiar handwriting of his boyfriend, he saw the letter and squealed happily. He carefully opened the letter, and read it twice, then put it carefully in the basket with all the others. It was a sort of routine for him. He lived in a huge house, alone - aside from the dog, but it still got lonely without Jaime there. Every day, he would get up, read the letter (two on Mondays), put it in the basket, then have a shower and go to work. He would get home and watch tv, then at around 9pm, he would receive a Skype call from Jaime, or a phone call. He knew they weren't out there for much longer, but it still meant that in the back of his mind there was a constant fear that the letters and the calls would stop, and he'd get a knock on the door delivering bad news.

He read the letter with a big smile, eyes scanning over the neat handwriting on the page, signed as usual 'every day is a day closer to seeing you, I miss you, I love you, Jaime xxx' and every day it made Vic want to cry, but it made the ache in his chest subside just a little.

A little over two weeks later, Vic was getting more and more worried, he would go round to his neighbours every day just for the company, he hadn't heard from Jaime in a week, they weren't due home for another month, and that worried him. Seeing as he lived on the base with so many other military families, it meant that there was never a shortage of shoulders to cry on. Danielle however, had been his best friend since he could remember, and she was always there to offer comfort when he needed it, she understood, she lived next door, and she understood. It was on a Thursday that a knock at the door came, Vic felt sick, he picked up their small dog, and held it close, taking a deep breath before opening the door
"I've been sent to inform you.. Victor Fuentes, your partner was shot two weeks ago-" Vic felt like he was going to be sick, biting his lip as he braced himself "..and has been in medical care for the time since, he is to return home early, his plane lands tomorrow at seven pm." he gave Vic a small, friendly smile, nodding his head and leaving. The small boy immediately put down his dog and rushed to Danielle, he didn't know if he was upset or excited, on the one hand, his boyfriend had been shot..on the other hand, he was coming home early, he told Danielle the news quickly and excitedly before he went to clean the house, he hated Jaime coming home to a messy house, and always prided himself on having it spotless for his arrival.

When it got to 6pm the following day, he couldn't stand still..it took five minutes to get to the airport, but he couldn't sit and do nothing, so he took the dog on a long walk. He checked the clock as he got back 6:50pm. He grabbed his coat and car keys, driving to the airport. he was met there by an officer, who handed him a piece of card, telling him to get a disabled spot, Vic immediately got a little more worried, was Jaime hurt that badly? He pushed the thought aside and found himself a spot, putting the card on display in the window and going to find the exit from the planes, he stood amongst many people waiting to pick up the planes passengers as he started a conversation with the lady beside him
"Picking up anyone special?" She asked, noticing the huge smile he wore
"My boyfriend - he's in the army, but he got shot so he's home early," Vic answered, turning to face her "what about you?" He asked politely
"My daughter, she just went to visit her dad in England," she answered softly. Vic smiled and turned back to the door as the first person walked out, he waited and waited as everyone walked out, searching frantically before he spotted the familiar dark haired boy, though he was now using crutches, and he rushed forwards, forgetting about the others injury for a moment as he jumped on Jaime, almost knocking him over
"Asshole, I thought you were dead," he muttered, Jaime chuckled and put him down, using one crutch to lean on
"My apologies are most sincere," he chuckled, putting on a fairly bad British accent, then lifting his hand to Vic's cheek.
"There wasn't a moment I wasn't thinking of you...I missed you so much," he murmured, leaning in to press a kiss to Vic's lips, and like every time he got home, their kiss was short and sweet, yet filled with so many emotions.
"I missed you too," Vic answered softly, resting his forehead against Jaime's as he did.

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