Jack Barakat ~ small bump - for @andybabesack

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Alex turned up at your house, you had been getting bad stomach cramps, but you were due for your three month scan anyway. You doubled over a little as you left, getting into the car beside Alex. He was taking you to your scan as Jack had been called in for an interview with Zack.
"Are you okay?" Alex asked worriedly, you nodded
"Just these fucking cramps," you answered, sighing a little as you relaxed.
You walked into the room, telling Alex he should come with you. The nurse put the cold gel on your stomach, watching the screen as she rolled the scanner round a few times. She looked at you worriedly, then continued.
"I have some bad news," she began as you sat up, cleaning the gel off your stomach. You exchanged a worried look with Alex
"I can't find the baby's heartbeat, I'm afraid you've had a miscarriage," she told you. You nodded, feeling Alex take your hand with a gentle squeeze. She apologised and let you go. The minute you were in the car, Alex hugged you tightly
"Jack's gonna hate me," you cried into his chest
"No he won't, it isn't your fault," he murmured softly. You pulled away so he could drive and curled up, pulling your hoodie sleeves over your hands and wiping away tears.
You walked into the house, half hoping Jack wouldn't be home yet.
"Jade, that you?" He called. You took a deep breath and walked into the tv room with a small smile.
"What's wrong?" He asked immediately, standing up, and leaning in to kiss you. You kissed back for a moment, then pulled away to bury your face in his chest.
"I lost it," you mumbled "I lost the baby," you added quietly, as he stroked your hair and pulled you onto the sofa. You started to cry again, apologising to him. He shushed you, and pulled your face up to look at him
"It's not your fault baby," he told you softly. You sat there for another hour until he suggested you watch a movie. The two of you 'watched' the movie, but didn't really pay any attention, you were lay with your head on his chest while he played with your hair, kissing your head every so often.
You ended up falling asleep on the sofa, and he carried you up to bed where you slept peacefully in his arms until morning.

Hope you like it :)
Anyone else, remember you can request anything any time.

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