Their Lolita:.4

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"Mashirao, what's the update on Blake's location?" Izuku asked marching into a dark shady looking building at night

"I'm pretty sure he's heading for Japan" Mashirao said randomly popping up beside Izuku and marching along side him, a foldable laptop in hand "last bit of info we got was him boarding a ship going in this direction"

"I don't care what he's doing here, but make sure he doesn't set foot on my territory" Izuku growled clenching his fists

"With pleasure boss" Mashirao said before disappearing around a corner. Izuku on the other hand marched up the stairs, to Shoto's room.




There was a shuffle behind the door as well as a soft thud, before footsteps padded towards the door. It finally opened, allowing Izuku to be face-to-face with Shoto after a week.

"Izuku" Shoto said briefly before stepping aside allowing Izuku into the room. The room was completely spotless, if you don't count the papers and gadgets scattered on the bed

"What have you been up to?" Izuku asked picking up the two toned male's phone

"Research as usual" Shoto shrugged not minding the the fact that Izuku was going through his phone. He had nothing to hide

"You haven't been answering my calls" Izuku whimpered dropping his emotionless shield and the device on the bed "why...?"

Shoto sighed climbing on the bed "if you look right here, you'll see that my phone's on silent" he pointed out "the only reason I have it on the bed with me is because if it's too far, my 'SOS Tracer' would be disconnected from it and in any case that something happens, it'll be harder for you to find me"

" never put your phone on silent..." Izuku whimpered, leaning on the bed and sliding down to the floor

"Izuku don't-" Shoto tried to say but was cut off by Izuku's sorrow filled sob "Izuku..?"

"I'm sorry Shoto..." Izuku sobbed bringing his knees to his chest

"Izuku what are you apologizing for?" Shoto asked joining the sobbing male on the floor

"I should've never broken up with you" Izuku responded "I miss you! Plea-se, I need-"

"No you don't Izuku" Shoto said shaking his making the greenette sob louder

"A-at least, hold m-me" Izuku sobbed

"I'm not supposed to" Shoto said shrugging

"What do you mean, your not supposed to?" Izuku asked confused

"I'm not your boyfr-" Shoto's sentence was cut of by Izuku's hand connecting with his cheek

"F🤗ing hold m-me you white chocolate covered strawberry!" Izuku growled playfully making Shoto laugh, for the first time in two weeks. He smiled down at the greenette and pulled him into his embrace, holding him tight there "I love you Shoto"

"I love you too baby" Shoto whispered kissing along Izuku's ear lobe, electing a soft breathy moan from the greenette "how're things with your date?"

Despite the question asked, Shoto's voice held no hate nor pain, he didn't stop kissing him either. "the first date was okay, he had asked me to go on another one with him after that" Izuku said preening at the attention being given

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