Chapter 7 " I'm a Little Fucked Up If You Haven't Noticed", Part 1

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Disclaimer: This is one of the more violent chapters, so if you are sensitive towards reading that then i suggest you skip this chapter.


Fili smiled momentarily at his weirdness.

She had a friend like Pope once. Kid named Dylan. He was similar to Pope, all awkward and stumbled on his words. Smart though. The two had first met in detention in seventh grade. They'd grown close quickly, with similar humour, they got along nicely. They were an absolute nightmare for the teacher supervising detention.

Dylan was a smart kid, but he suffered with an anxiety disorder the made his life challenging. Fili felt a connection with him through that. She was an anxious kid too growing up, so the two shared a bond over their struggles. It was nice to know you weren't always alone, especially for Fili. She never talked about her feelings or emotions, it was too vulnerable. But with Dylan, she didn't even need to. They knew about each others problem, and didn't need to talk about them in order to understand each other. They just did.

FIli grew to care for Dylan deeply, always trying to help him when his anxiety got too bad. But the teachers never seemed to try to understand him, simply sending him off to detention instead of digging deeper. It infuriated Fili. He was struggling, and they didn't even acknowledge it.

Fili got in a lot of trouble too, saying the things others wouldn't dare to in seventh grade and picking fights with upperclassmen, just because she could. She liked the attention. She never got any at home, so that's just what she resorted to.

They often spent detention together, laughing in the corner while the teacher lectured them on respect and all the other crap that came with it. They were good for each other. It was all light-hearted and fun, but they still shared a deep bond created from both of their struggles. They understood each other.

They were the best of friends for the rest of middle school, but during their freshman year, everything got more difficult.

One particular afternoon, Dylan and Fili were in her room doing math homework, chatting about some equation. Fili had never been one for numbers, and for some reason her head always seemed to want to focus on anything but the equation in front of her. Even Dylans' meaningless ramblings about who-knows-what was more entertaining to the girl, although she never listened to those either. 

Long story short, she hated math, and she liked to make that obvious to Dylan. Every once in a while she'd glance his way, desperately trying to find a way to convince him to end this madness. Honestly, math was a cruel thing to force upon kids. She had to find a way to erase  the subject from the school curriculum entirely.

Sighing dramatically,  she slouched in her chair, her eyes glaring at the math book in front of her.

"Dyl, I can't do this crap." She pouted. "I give up." 

"Lia, you haven't even tried." He loved to call her that. Only he called her that.

"No, seriously like, how am I supposed separate X from the stupid numbers? it doesn't work."

He scooted closer to her and wrote the equation on her paper neatly.

"Okay, look. You just subtract or add the number from both sides, so X is on one side and the number is on the other. Get it?" She looked up at his face that was close to hers, narrowing her eyes.

"Now I'm even more confused."

Dylan rolled his eyes as a smile crept onto his face. "You're never making it to sophomore year."

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