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Hi :3


(Dan's POV)

This was all his fault. If it wasn't for him, Phil and I would be happily drinking our Starbucks coffee.

But he ruined it. He always ruins it.

He's going to steal Phil away from me. I know it. I can see it in his eyes.

Here's how it all went down:

"Phil! Let's go to Starbucks!" I shouted, pulling him along with me.

We walked into Starbucks and that was when he walked up.

"Phil! I haven't seen you in forever Lion! How've you been?" Charlie skies said. (A/n I have nothing against Charlie. I like to just ignore his tweets to dan.)

"We've been great," I interrupted. "You?"

"Yeah, I've been great as well. I've also been looking for a boyfriend." He said, winking at Phil.

I grabbed Phil's hand. "Actually, Phil and I are together, so, I hope you can find someone as great as him."

"Calm it, Howell. What's wrong with a little sharing?" Charlie spat, his words like venom.

"I don't share. He's mine. Listen up, you won't touch him, you won't contact him, and you WILL NOT see him again. That's for damn sure." I spat through gritted teeth.

I yanked Phil out of Starbucks and dropped his hand. I sprinted towards the house, leaving Phil behind.

Tears were streaming down my face as one main thought in my head took over:

Someone is going to take him away from me.

He won't be mine.


Hi guys! This is pretty short, sorry, but I thought you guys needed an update.



Moments in Time. || PhanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora