I Don't Know You.

511 12 10

(Also, this is sort of a filler chapter)
WARNINGS: sad. Really sad.


Dan's POV

Today has been great. Phil and I, just sitting and doing nothing but cuddling.

"Hey Dan?" Asked Phil. "Yeah?" I replied lazily. "Do you want to go to our hill we found?" He said excitedly.

"Why not." I sighed, standing up from our cuddling session.

"YAY!" Phil squealed. He was very energized today.

-time skip to the hill-

"Bet you £10 I can climb the tree!" Phil smiled like a kid, running up to the tree.

"Be careful!" I yelled up to him. "I'm coming up with you, okay?" I said, jogging up to the tree.

I climbed up and sat on the branch with Phil.

"The view is amazing up here." Phil said, amazed.

"It is. Although, the best view for me is looking at you." I said, grabbing his hand.

"You're so sweet." Phil cooed.

I set my head on his shoulder, kicking my feet back and forth.

"I want to remember this moment forever." He whispered.

I leaned up and stared into his eyes. I took this moment to kiss him.

The kiss was sweet, like, full of pure love. Love and only love.

In that moment, the world went away. It was just me and him.

I forgot about everything except for him. Including the fact that we were on a tree branch.

Phil leaned back too much, loosing balance. We fell backwards off the tree, falling fast to the ground.

Phil quickly wrapped his arms around me, blocking my fall.

We hit the ground, I didn't black out, but I was very dizzy.

Phil, on the other hand, was unconscious and breathing slowly.

I caught my breath, and ran to Phil.

"Phil? PHIL" I yelled, frantically shaking him. Nothing.

I dialed 999, explaining where we were and what happened.

I hung up, putting my phone in my pocket. "It's okay Phil. You're okay. You're going to be fine." I whispered, running my hands through his hair.

I continued to whisper to him and run my fingers through his hair until the ambulance arrived.

They loaded him into the ambulance, I quickly followed, setting down and intertwining our hands.

It was silent on the way to the hospital. The only noise was the wheels on the road and the beeping of the breathing machine.

We got to the hospital and they took him into a room. They didn't let me go in. Jerks.

I sat in the waiting room, tapping my foot and biting my nails anxiously.

What if he dies? What if he's seriously injured for the rest of his life? What if he's paralyzed? These thoughts ran though my head a mile a minute.

"Mr. Howell?" A doctor called out. I ran up to him. "Is he okay?! Please please please tell me he's going to be okay." I said frantically.

"He is fine and will live. Nothing life threatening. Although, there is bad news and good news. You already know the good news: he's fine. The bad news is that there is a chance that he won't remember you, or who you are." The doctor read from his clipboard. My breath hitched.

"If that's true, then it is not permanent. It may take some time, but he will eventually remember most about his life. If he doesn't remember now, that is."

"Can I see him?!" I urged. "Room 22. Down the hall to the left." He smiled.

I speed walked to his room, slowly opening the door.

Phil was sitting up, sipping some water from a plastic cup.

"Phil! I'm so happy you're okay. I was worried sick." I smiled the biggest smile possible, walking up to his hospital bed.

"Sorry, but...who are you exactly...?" Phil said with a confused expression.

(Phil's POV)

I picked up my cup, sipping the water when a very hot guy walked in.

"Phil! I'm so happy you're okay. I was worried sick." He said, walking up to me.

"Sorry, but...who are you exactly...?" I asked. How did he know my name?

His face went as white as a ghost. "I-I'm Dan. You don't remember me?" He whispered, his eyes filling with tears. "I'm sorry. I really am." I said. I was trying my hardest to remember, but I couldn't.

"You-you have to remember! You're all I have!" He raised his voice. "I'm sorry." I looked down, feeling ashamed.

"No, it's not your fault. I'll help you remember. For starters: I'm Dan. We met in 2009 over the Internet. I..uh, well..I asked you out and you said yes. And more things then that but that's most important.

I had a sudden flashback:

October 19th, 2009. Manchester train station.

"Phil?" A voice said from behind me. I turned around quickly, seeing a very nervous looking Dan.

"Dan!" I yelled, throwing my arms around him. "I love you so much." "I love you too, Lion."

My flashback ended. "I-I remember meeting you at Manchester in 2009" I whispered, a smile spreading across my face. There was still hope.

"You do?!" Dan said happily. I nodded frantically.

"That's great! There's still hope. I was already told we can leave. Let's go home." He said, helping me up and walking me outside.

I suddenly got the urge to kiss him. So that's what I did.

He kissed back, and I felt a spark. The kiss gave me another flashback.

Dan leaned in and connected our lips. I felt a spark that I've never felt before. My heart did the flippy over thing.

We were currently on the Manchester Eye, at the very top.

"I really like you Dan." I whispered. "Will you go out with me?" I added.

"Of course." He smiled his world famous smile.

I pulled back abruptly. "What?" Dan said worriedly. "I remember kissing you for the first time. On the Manchester Eye." I said happily.

"Really! That's amazing." He smiled. His world famous smile.

"Will you go out with me?" I asked suddenly. "Well duh." He laughed.

We walked for a while, not caring about the distance from our house.

"I'll get your memory back Phil. All of it." Dan said, taking my hand in his.


This took forever and guess what? I still hate it.

Sorry for the sudden change of everything, but in happy with it now.

I hope you enjoyed -E xX

Moments in Time. || PhanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora