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hey so this chapter kinda contains a bit of yandere dan so beware or be square.


*Phil's POV*

Weeks passed and soon I was finally off bed rest, so what better to do then hang with some friends? Seems fun right? We'll see.

I dialed Armin to see if he was free to do something today. "Hello?" I heard a meek voice on the other side of the phone. "Hey, Armin. I'm off bed rest so I thought maybe we could hang out...?" I asked, waiting for his response.

"That sounds awesome. Should I bring Eren as well? Levi just left for a business thing." You could practically hear the smile on his face through the phone. "Of course. So, see you around 12?" "Wouldn't miss it."

"DAN WE'RE GOING TO HANG OUT WITH EREN AND ARMIN IF THATS OKAY." I yelled in one breath. You could hear the pounding of Dan's footsteps coming down the stairs. He threw the door open and ran in wearing only a towel. "WHATS WRONG ARE YOU OKAY??" He yelled, frantically waving a spatula he grabbed for a weapon.

"I'm fine, but we're going to hang out with Eren and Armin at 12 and its 11:30. Get your ass ready." I said, pointing to the door. "My ass is always ready." He winked as I rolled my eyes.

-30 minutes later-

As of right now, Dan, Eren, Armin, and I were walking through a little hiking pathway. Eren thought it would be a great idea to play 'try and make Dan jealous' all throughout our time together.

We finished the hiking path and sat at the top of the hill. "Hey Phil, can you teach me how to kiss. But platonically though." Armin smirked, knowing good and well he could win 'try and make Dan jealous'. Dan clenched his fists.

"Uh, sure why not. You'll need it for kissing Eren later." I returned the smirk, scooting over to Armin. Armin blushed and shoved me, "We're not a thing!" He went beet red. "You wish." Eren laughed.

"Anyway, on to the kissing lessons." I smiled, setting cross-legged in front of Armin. "Okay so I'm going to lean in, and like give you a little peck. And as I do this, you do it too. But do it easy as its platonic. Okay?" Armin nodded, scooting closer.

We both leaned in, giving a small kiss. "See? It's not that hard" I smiled. "Thanks Philly, and by the way, you have incredibly soft lips. Eren come here. Phil, do it to Eren." Armin yanked Eren to us. I pecked Eren on the lips. His eyes went wide. "Wow. They are really soft." He laughed.

I could feel Dan's glare burning into my back. He had his arms crossed, clenching his jaw.

Then, Armin and Eren hugged me and gave me little cheek kisses. "You're the best, Phil-San." Armin laughed.

Dan cleared his throat and stood up. He walked over to us and yanked me up to his height. He pushed me into a tree and slammed our lips together. Dan was not holding back. After a heated kiss, Dan spun around with fire in his eyes and glared at Armin and Eren.

He pointed behind himself to me, "Mine." He growled. Armin and Eren erupted into cheers. "We won! We knew you'd get jealous!" They laughed. Dan blushed, grabbing my hand, but still staying firm.

"People often forget that he is mine. All mine. I will do anything it takes to make sure he is with me at all times. You are his friends. And only his friends. Do I make myself clear?" He smiled sweetly, squeezing my hand.

"Yeah. You do." Armin giggled, leaning into Eren. I ship them.

Hmm. "Armin, can I speak to you in private please?" I said, breaking from Dan's grasp and giving him a reassuring look. "I'm not doing anything with him Dan, I promise."

Armin followed me to a nearby picnic shelter. "Okay, so why do you wanna talk to me?" He asked with a smile. "Let's get things straight: you're not. I know a a guy who is attracted to men when I see one. And you, my dear friend, love Eren." I smirked, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Is it that obvious?" He sighed. "Okay, yes I guess I am attracted to him...kinda....completely." He mumbled, glancing back to Eren. "Yes! Wow you're so cute together. I'm gonna make sure you two get together if it's the last thing I do." I laughed, running back to Eren and Dan before Armin could respond.

"Well guys, I think we should get home and spend time as couples. Me and Dan, and Armin and Eren." I clapped my hands together and smiled widely. "Sounds good to me." Dan said quickly. "Bye guys." I waved to Armin and Eren, walking back home with Dan.

-at home-

"Dan, how do you feel about cuddling for a couple days?" I asked, plopping down on the bed.

"Let's do it."



Moments in Time. || PhanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora