8 - Comfort

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He ran to Lisa's bench while the girl who was with him followed

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He ran to Lisa's bench while the girl who was with him followed. The park was a place Lisa goes whenever she wants to cry, or rather when she was really sad. He felt sure something was up. "Do you think Jungkook must have told her?" The girl with him asked. "Yeah... I am pretty sure he did." 

He replied. He reached near her.  "Lisa" He called as he kneeled down in front of her to reach her height. Lisa looked up and hugged him tightly. "Yoongi oppa..."She called, while sobbing. Yoongi hugged her back, while Nayeon sat beside Lisa, caressing her hair. 

"Shh.. Don't worry... We are here. We know what happened." Yoongi whispered to Lisa. It made her cry even more. Yoongi looked at Nayeon and nodded. She stood up and went to a nearby stall. 

"1 Mineral Water bottle, please." 

"Here you go, Ma'am." 

Nayeon paid for it and returned to the bench. Lisa had calmed down, and now Yoongi was siting beside her. Nayeon came and sat on the the other side. "Here, drink this." She handed the bottle to Lisa. She took and drank the water. 

Nayeon looked at Yoongi. His eyes shows how worried he is for her. Yoongi takes care of Lisa like a real younger sister. And Nayeon knew how much Yoongi loves her, and how much she loves him back. His eyes always showed how proud is he of Lisa, but now, those eyes showed only worry. Worry for his younger sister.

Nayeon said to Lisa, "Its ok, Lisa. You have us...." "But it hurts unnie.." Lisa replied. Suddenly a boy and girl rushed to them. "Hoseok oppa? Momo unnie?" Lisa asked, surprised to see them. "Are you ok, Lisa?" Hoseok asked as he and Momo kneeled down to her height. "Ah.. Yes, Oppa and Unnie." "I called them to come here. I know what happened." Yoongi said. 

Lisa looked at all of them. She smiled. "Thank you all for coming. I didn't want Rose unnie, Jennie unnie and Jisoo unnie to worry about me, so that's why I called Yoongi oppa." Momo and Nayeon hugged her. "Don't worry, Lili.... Everything will be alright." Momo said. "We will call Jin hyung once we go home and tell him everything. We'll tell Jisoo not to worry...." Hoseok said and smiled at Lisa. She smiled back.


The one Lisa called was Yoongi.
Rechecked and edited. 

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