27 - Where are you?

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As soon as her friends left, Lisa sat on the couch in deep thought

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As soon as her friends left, Lisa sat on the couch in deep thought. 

"What if I just go to his house and talk? Wait, I don't even know where he's staying. What if I ask oppas? Or unnies? No need, they are gonna tease me about it. What am I even saying?" 

Lisa chuckled to herself. She went to her room and changed her dress. She grabbed her coat before closing the front door and going out.

 She grabbed her coat before closing the front door and going out

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(A/N: Imagine without the bag and Lisa has brown hair)

She walked along the footpath, calling Jimin. 

"Jimin oppa, do you know where's Jungkook?" She asked as soon as he picked up the call. 
"Nope, why-" 
"Okay. Thanks oppa." Lisa quickly said and cutted the call. 

Then she called Yoongi.

"Oppa, any idea where Jungkook is?" Lisa asked.
"Nope, wh-"
"Thanks oppa. Bye." Lisa cutted the call. 

She then called Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung, but received the same response. "Aish, where is this guy?"

She looked around her and realized that she was near Jin's house. "Well, I'll just go and ask him about Jungkook." She knocked on Jin's house door and after a while, he did open.

"Lisa?" Jin said, kinda nervous. "Oppa, do you where's Jungkook?" Lisa asked. "I-, Lisa. Can we talk for a minute?" Jin asked, his voice serious. "Mm Okay!" Lisa replied as she followed Jin into his house.

"Its about Jungkook." Jin said as Lisa and he sat down on the couch. "What about him?" Lisa asked. "He came here yesterday night." Jin said. 


"Jungkook?" Jin whispered as he gestured the maknae to come in. The house was silence considering the fact that it was midnight. "What happened?" Jin asked. "Did Lisa call? Is she okay?" Jungkook asked his hyung, concern in his voice.

"She did." Jin replied. "She is all well. She doesn't just want to go out yet." "Its all my fault." The maknae mumbled but Jin heard him. "Its not your fault, Kook. She needs time." He said softly. 

"Hyung, what if she hates me now? What if she finds someone else? What if-" "Stop with those what ifs. Nothing like that is gonna happen." Jin cutted in, giving Jungkook a soft smile. "How can you say that, hyung?" Jungkook asked in a low voice, as he looked down.

"Because, seeing her alone for the past 3 years, not only me, but every one of our friends can say how much she loves you." Jin said as Jungkook kept silence. "You came back one day and told her sorry, she was shocked. That's it. Give her time." He finished as he looked at his younger friend. 

Jungkook smiled. "Yes, hyung. I will wait." 

End of Flashback

"That guy's love for you is genuine and sincere, Lisa. Just like your love for him." Jin said. 

Lisa's eyes were filled with tears, but she managed to smile at Jin. "I know, oppa. That's why I need to meet him now, and talk." She said softly.

"I don't know where he is, but you will know." Jin said as Lisa looked confused. "Think, Lisa. You'll soon know where he is." He said, in a knowing voice. Lisa nodded and went out. She continued walking to nowhere. 

She thought about what Jin said. Where could he be? That was the only question in her mind now.

"Where are you, Jungkook?" 


seriously, short chapters are my life now-
Don't worry, I'll try to make the chapters longer.

-Author Anna. 

Rechecked and edited.

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