25 - Let it all out

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They reached the house and Lisa abruptly went out of the car and opened the front door

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They reached the house and Lisa abruptly went out of the car and opened the front door. 

"Go take whatever you want and clear out." She said rudely to Jungkook who was looking around the house. Oh, how he missed this house. 

Lisa went towards the kitchen, thinking that Jungkook must have gone to take his things. She took a glass of water and drank a sip when she felt two hands wrapped around her waist.

"Lisa.." Jungkook called softly. Lisa wanted to push him away, but when she felt tears on her shoulder, she didn't. 


"She cheated on me." Jungkook said and Lisa's eye widen. She was about to say something when Jungkook continued, "She was cheating on me all along. I was a fool not listening to hyungs and mom and dad's warnings. I should have broke up with her." He said and buried his face on the crook of her neck. 

Lisa was stunned. She didn't knew what to say. "When I was alone again, I realized that how much you mean to me. The way you always cared for me, even when I ignore you. The way you never stopped loving me, even when I hurted you. I then knew that she was never my first love. I realized...." Jungkook tighten the hug, but Lisa didn't complain. 

Her heart was beating like crazy. His hot breath on her neck sent shivers down her spine. "...how much I love you." He said as Lisa frozen in her place. Jungkook slowly broke the hug and turned around Lisa. He held her chin and made her face to face with him. They stared at each other's eyes. 

Lisa could see the sincere and love in his eyes. Yet, she was unsure of her feelings. "I..." Lisa wanted to speak, but it felt like her heart was preventing her from saying what she wants to say. 

She heard him saying 'I love you' to her for the first time. But she wasn't able to read her heart. Her heart says otherwise.

"Its okay. I understand." Jungkook said, but Lisa could hear the sadness in his voice. Suddenly, he came closer to her. "I might regret if I didn't do this now." He said. Without another word, he pulled her by her nape and their lips met. 

For a moment, everything was still

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For a moment, everything was still. Both of them remember the day they had their first kiss. It was right here, in the same house. Jungkook didn't care if she didn't kiss back, he wanted to show how her much she meant to him.

Soon, Lisa realized what he was doing and quickly pushed him. 

Jungkook almost fell back but manage to stay by holding on to the counter. He looked at Lisa, who was standing a few feet away, looking at him, breathing hard. 

 Lisa didn't expect that. She didn't expect her to push him. She was about to speak, when she saw Jungkook going out and she heard the sound of door closed. 

A sigh left her mouth. "I shouldn't have pushed him away. But I don't know if I still love him." 



Btw, how was this chapter? Is the story getting boring? Comment your thoughts :)

Rechecked and unedited. 

I can Wait || Liskook [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now