18 - Welcome back to Seoul

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Jungkook took a deep breath as he stepped out of the airport

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Jungkook took a deep breath as he stepped out of the airport. "Welcome back to Seoul, Jungkook." He told himself. He got in a taxi and said to the driver, "To the Kims Company." 

After a 15 mins drive, the car reached the place. Jungkook paid and got off. He went to reception and asked, "Can I see Mr. Kim?" 

"Just a min, sir." The man there said as he called his boss. After a min, he turned to Jungkook and said, "You can go in sir. Mr. Kim is with his wife." 

"Oh okay." Jungkook replied. As he walked at the office, he said to himself, "Hyung didn't invite me for his wedding." 

Finally he was in front of the door. He knocked. "Come in." A deep voice said.

Jungkook entered and removed the mask he wore. The man in the chair looked shocked. The woman sitting in front of him looked behind and gasped, "Jungkook.."  They both whispered in shock.  "Namjoon hyung." Jungkook said and smiled. Namjoon stood up from his seat and went quickly towards him and hugged him tightly.

 Namjoon stood up from his seat and went quickly towards him and hugged him tightly

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Tears welled up in Namjoon's eyes. Seeing his younger one after 3 long years, he couldn't hide his tears. "Hyung..." Jungkook softly called. 

Jihyo stood behind, seeing the reunion with tears in her eyes. Namjoon pulled away from the hug and playfully hit him, "Yah!! Why didn't you come back or text us in the past 3 years? We were so worried about you. Did you know that? Are you alone? Where is Mia?" Namjoon asked. 

Jungkook frowned and answered, "I have a lot to tell you." He went to Jihyo and hugged her and turned back to Namjoon. "I am gonna call everyone and tell them to meet at our usual café." Namjoon said and Jungkook nodded.

Meanwhile At Kim Enterprises

"Lisa, See this guy. His name is Jaehyun. He is a-" 

"I don't like him." Lisa cutted off Taehyung's words. The man sighed. He, along with Jennie, Jin and Jisoo were at his company with Lisa. They had been trying to make Lisa like one the guys they have with them. 

"How about hi-" Jennie's words were cutted too. "No unnie." 

Jisoo said "Then this handsome guy is re-" "If he is handsome then why don't you date him?" Lisa asked jokingly. 

Jisoo rolled her eyes. "Lisa, see-" Jin was about to say something, when he got a call. It was from Namjoon. "Wait a sec." He told and picked it up.

On The Call

SJ: Hey Namjoon..
NJ: Hyung, can we meet at our usual café?
SJ: *Confused* Huh? Why suddenly? Anything Urgent?
NJ: Yeah, Kinda. Come fast. Okay? Bring Jisoo too.
SJ: Huh, Okay. *About to hung up*
NJ: Wait, hyung.. Is Tae with you?
SJ: Yeah, both tae and Jen along with Lisa is here. 
NJ: Bring everyone except Lisa. You will get why when you come here. Also, please message Yoongi and tell him about the same.
SJ: Huh, Okay. Bye *hung up*

He turned to the others and said, "Tae, Jennie and Jisoo come with me, while Lisa, you go home." "Finally." Lisa said as she stood up and waved to everyone and left the office. 

Jin gestured everyone to come with him. On the way to car, Jin texted Yoongi.

 On the way to car, Jin texted Yoongi

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At the cafe

All the 5 couples reached there together so they went inside together. They reached where Namjoon was sitting another man and Jihyo. They looked at each other confused. "Oh, they are here." Namjoon said. The other man turned around to face them. All 10 of them gasped. "JUNGKOOK" The boys shouted. 

"Hyungs..." He said softly. All of them hugged him and he hugged back. After a while, all of them were sitting in the chairs and talking. "Hyungs, it was unfair that you guys didn't invite me for your weddings." Jungkook said as he pouted. 

The boys glared to him while the girls chuckled. "Mr. Jeon Jungkook, how on the earth do you expect us to invite you when you didn't even call us once after you left?" Jin said. 

 "So.. How's you and Mia?" Momo asked. Jungkook frowned before answering, "We broke up." "WHAT!?" All of them shouted, loud enough for only them to hear. 

"But.. What happened?" Jimin asked. "A lot happened." Jungkook replied shortly.

Meanwhile Lisa

Lisa just reached home from Taehyung's office. She sat on the couch and said to herself, "Why does they all wants me to date?" She sighed and took out her phone and started scrolling. 

She didn't know why, but then she suddenly felt like to check out Jungkook's  Instagram posts. She hadn't done it since he left. She typed his name and checked it. There was not much posts since he left.

 There was not much posts since he left

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"He never called them after he left

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"He never called them after he left." She mumbled as she scroll down again. After a while, she put down her phone and closed her eyes, 

"Should I move on from you, Jungkook?"


Rechecked and edited. 

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