23 - "Please.."

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"I have nothing to talk about

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"I have nothing to talk about." Lisa said, looking back at the files. "Lisa..." Jungkook called but Lisa paid no attention.

"At least, let me explain what happened.." He said. "I don't want to hear you lies." Lisa said and stood up. She went near Jungkook and said, "I've only loved you, but you left me. Even still my love for you didn't die, though I knew you would never come back. But now, I don't like you. I hate you." Lisa stepped out of her office, leaving Jungkook.

Jungkook stood there, tears welled up in his eyes. What she said was true. He left her even though he knew she loved him. 


As soon as Lisa got out of her office, Yeri confronted her. "Did he do something to you?" She asked turning Lisa side to side, checking for injuries in her body. 

"Yeri... Did you allow him in?" Lisa asked removing Yeri's hand. Yeri smiled sheepishly. "Um...Yeah." 

Lisa groaned as she rolled her eyes, "Seriously, after what he did you still-" 

"I know, I know. But I thought that you should better talk with each other." Yeri said. Lisa scoffs. "I'm not going talk to him." Lisa said and went outside to her car and drove home.


Jungkook slowly opened the door and got out of Lisa's office. He saw both Yugyeom and Yeri standing nearby, waiting for him. 

"I'm sorry for you, Jungkook." Yugyeom said. "No, its okay. Its my fault for leaving her." Jungkook said softly as he gave both of them a smile and went away.

"You knew what you were doing and you knew it would hurt me but somehow that still didn't stop you." - Lisa


Short Chapter, sorry.

Rechecked and edited.

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