26 - Realization

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*Ding Dong*

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*Ding Dong*

Lisa opened the door to met the worried faces of Tzuyu and Yeri. "Lisa, are you okay?" Tzuyu asked. "I'm fine." She said as she turned back and walked towards the living room couch, with her two friends following.

"Lisa-ah. This is not you." Yeri said as she sat down next to Lisa. "You still love him, and we can say that."

"What? I mean, wh-why would I? He left me for someone else." Lisa replied, as tears formed in her eyes and she looked away. "Lalisa. Are you really trying to fool us?" Tzuyu said sternly, looking at the brown- haired girl seriously. 

"I..." Lisa was at loss of words. Darn it, they knew her very well.

"You see, Lisa. When Bambam and I was in a relationship, did you know that we broke up and he left me for another girl?" Tzuyu said as Lisa looked at her shocked and shook her head as 'no'. Yeri seems to know about this, so she was silently listening.

"But days later, he came to me." Tzuyu continued on with her story.

Flashback to 6 years ago

"What do you want?" Tzuyu coldly asked the boy in front of her house. "Tzu-" "You have no rights to call me that." She said. 

"I was wrong all along. I shouldn't have left you for someone else. I regret everything. At this point I don't even know what to say." Bambam said, looking down. Tears filled his eyes, his voice cracked. But Tzuyu kept her cold look, even though her heart ached.

"I was a fool for thinking that she's my true love." This time, Bambam looked straight into her eyes. 

End of Flashback

"I didn't forgive him and ignored him for days, yet my heart ached thinking that he would be miserable. And then, one day, I forgave him." Tzuyu completed and closed her eyes, as those memories rushed on her mind. "Now look at us, happily married."

 Lisa was silently listening to story. She knew her friends had some fights and misunderstandings as normal couples, but she didn't knew about this. 

"Now Lisa. Be honest. Didn't you heart ached at least once, thinking how much he would be suffering right now?" Yeri asked softly. Lisa looked at her and silence followed in the room. 

"I- It did." Lisa finally said slowly. Her friends smiled. "That means you still love him." Yeri said. Lisa stared at her friends' smiling faces. 

"Wh-what?" She whispered to herself, before smiling back at her friends. Tzuyu hugged her and said, "I believe you Lisa. And I trust him too. He'll never hurt you again." 

"I- No, we can promise you that." Yeri said. "Btw, its been almost a week since you're locked up in your house. Did he come to see you?" 

"He didn't but he has been sending me flowers everyday with letters." Lisa said shyly as she pointed at a nearby table where a lot of bouquets were kept. 

"And this came today

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"And this came today." She said and pointed at a vase kept next to the table.

" She said and pointed at a vase kept next to the table

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"Wahh! Its soo beautiful.." Yeri said clapping her hands excitedly. "It is.." Lisa whispered. 

"...and these letters, damn, Lisa. This guy loves you so much." Tzuyu said as she read the letters which Lisa handed them over.

" Tzuyu said as she read the letters which Lisa handed them over

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"Lisa, now what you need to do is to have a talk with him

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"Lisa, now what you need to do is to have a talk with him. A serious talk." Tzuyu said, eyeing the brown-haired girl seriously. "Mm.." Lisa replied. 


"I just wanna tell you this Lisa. Just like you did, I can Wait for you, even if it takes a hundred years." - Jungkook

"The realization hit me. I still love you, Jungkook. And I'm ready to come back to you." - Lisa. 


Was this boring? Anyways, this book is gonna end soon. 

Love you, mates..
Anna :)

Rechecked and edited.

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