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  • Dedicated to To all my amazing fans


“Can you put your seatbelt on ma'am?” 

The flight attendant's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I smiled (forcefully) and apologized. Once my belt was in place I looked out of the window, just staring at the Tarmac. 

I tried to think of my new life ahead of me, but my thoughts were stuck in the past. I wondered if they knew I'd left, if he woke up yet. It'd been a couple of hours since I left the hospital and my dad had called telling me the surgery was done, but he was still unconscious.

I tried not to think of him, but he's all I've been thinking about. Even when I tried listening to music hoping to drown out my thoughts, the hollow feeling in my chest was enough of a reminder. 

A voice came over the intercom asking the passengers to turn off their cell phones. I took mine out of my pocket and turned it on one last time to check for any updates and found a text from my dad.

He's awake.

Those two words took so much pressure off my shoulders it felt like I could finally breathe again. But not all the pressure. I knew they were going to hate me. 

I left without a goodbye and I knew from first-hand experience how much that hurt. Grace had finally gotten a friend and here I was, leaving and never coming back. I left the present I'd gotten for her for her birthday and told my dad to give it to her. I took one of the bracelets that had ‘Friends’ written on it and left her the ‘Forever’ one. 

I didn't even know if she would accept it or throw it away. I just know that if I were in her place I would probably do the latter. But it was Julian's reaction that had me worried the most. I told him I forgave him and even though I truly did, he was going to think I hated him.But I didn't hate him, I loved him and that was the problem. 

The plane started to move, faster and faster with every second until it was finally up in the air. I continued to stare out the window as I cried silently for the life I've always wanted.

It's all I ever wanted, even though my mother had passed, I wanted a family who loved me and my dad did. I wanted a sweet, caring boyfriend and here I was leaving the only man I've ever had feelings for. And Grace, well it's safe to say I probably hurt her more than any of her other friends ever had.

And it was all Luke's fault. 

But still, if it meant that they would be safe, that I wouldn't have to live with the constant fear of harm coming to them I would suck it up and do so. 

A flight attendant came by giving out fortune cookies. I wiped my eyes with my sleeves before taking one. Cracking mine open, I unfolded the paper inside.

“All good things to those who wait.”

God only knew how much I wished for that statement to be true.

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