The Sexiest Man Alive

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Sorry about the long wait. I'm not really happy with this chapter but it's the best I could come up with at the moment.

Read and enjoy! Don't forget to comment, vote and fan!


Chapter Eleven

“Oh almighty Julian, the sexiest man alive, the only one able to solve my dilemma, please help me for without your guidance, I cannot accomplish my goal,” I said rolling my eyes while sitting in front of him on my knees.

“I don’t know… you’re not exactly being sincere,” he told me as if asking people to grovel at his feet was something he did in his daily routine.

“Oh come on, you got your pay back, just give me your damn keys,” I complained. He just shook his head and I groaned. Karma really is a bitch.


Yawning, I stretched my arms before looking at myself in the bathroom mirror. I took the hair tie off my wrist so that I could pull up my brown hair so that I wouldn’t get any toothpaste on it. For once I actually managed to do so without having any strands get caught on the necklace my mother had given me on seventeenth birthday. Rubbing my eyes, in an attempt to get rid of the sleepiness, I then looked at my reflection in the mirror. When my eyes landed on my chest, where the silver locket was meant to be hanging, I didn’t find anything. Panic began to rise through me as I patted my neck and felt nothing.

“No no no, this can’t be happening,” I muttered as I opened and closed the drawers in the bathroom. I dashed out of the bathroom not bothering with brushing my teeth. Running down the hall, I pushed my bedroom door open then picked up my pillow checking for any loose strands that my necklace could have gotten caught in. I grabbed my comforter and shook it but still found nothing. I checked the bed and came to the same outcome. Frustrated, I ran my hands through my hair pulling it out of the ponytail.

I ran around my room frantically searching for anything that shined in the light. I looked through the clothes I had been wearing last night and I still found nothing.

Where was that locket? I couldn’t lose it! It had been the last present my mother had ever given me, not counting the money she gave me before her death. I felt tears gather in the corners of my eyes. Where did I drop it? I tried to recall any incidents that happened yesterday that might have caused it to fall but I couldn’t remember any. I retraced what I did the day before and where I went;

Home, Julian’s car, Grace’s house, Grace’s car, the mall then home again. Not many places to look in, not many at all, I thought sarcastically. Quickly I changed my clothes into something more suitable in case I were to exit the house and ran down the stairs. There I found my father reading the newspaper and drinking coffee.

“Hey honey, going somewhere?” he asked, only sparing me a glance before going back to whatever it was he was reading.

“Dad! Have you seen a necklace lying around here?” I asked him, desperate for an answer.

He placed the newspaper down on the table then looked at me, “Necklace? What necklace?”

“The one I always wear, the silver locket?” I told him hoping it would trigger his memory and he could help me.

He gave me an apologetic smile, “Sorry Pumpkin, I haven’t seen anything,” he apologised before picking up the paper and getting back to what he was doing.

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