Happy Birthday Gülüm

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Sibel was moving around  the room and cursing Her Aşkım. It was 11:15 pm of 15 January and he was out. Unlike every time, he did not inform her where he was going.
Well she wanted to spend whole day with him.And doesn't day starts at 12 Am?
She assured herself that he will be  here.Ramo is not someone to give false promises.
Heshmat, Sibel called his left hand being tired  of thinking where he went. Heshmat showed up immediately.
Where is Ramo? He is not picking up my calls, nor he replying to any of my texts. He didn't even tell me where he went!
He is in house, hesmat replied.
La - havle!
She closed her eyes.what's gotten into her? She is not Ramo,use to use his word.
If he is in house then why isn't coming inside the room since last 3 hours! I checked every single room, he was no where.
That's because he is not in house.Heshmat said.
But you just said he is in house. Sibel said.
Well he is. But he isn't.
What do you mean? Sibel asked.
He asked me not to say anything. Heshmat stated.
Sibel closed her eyes in frustration, Now that " büyük patron " Ramo has ordered him, he won't tell anyone not even büyük patron's wife.
Damn where are you ramo?
Sibel sat quietly for a bit. She cleaned up the cupboard, the side desk, dressing table. Basically she was bored. She was upset that Ramo wasn't here. She was now in tension, what happened to him.if he is in house why is he ignoring her? Didn't he promised to spend the whole day with her on her birthday?
It was 11:55 or Ramo was not there. Sibel's phone buzzed. She got notified of a text message from Ramo. A  smile flashed across her face. She immediately check it.
"Meet me in the garden "
Sibel quickly replied,
Five more minutes, i will get ready.
Ramo replied back, No need to get ready, it's just you and me, you have just have 4 minutes  1 minute just got wasted.
Sibel smiled, such a time is money kind of person he is.She quickly wrapped a shawl around her and descended downstairs.
She entered the Big garden of kaya's mansion but got worried when she did not see him.
She looked here and there.
  " Gülüm "his voice came, she smiled and turned back.They both went towards each other and met in the middle of the garden .
Where are you ? Sibel asked.
Ramo put his finger on her lips asking her to stop.
Before you speak a lot, please come with me
Ramo held her hand and led her to dome shaped arena, decorated with lights. Sibel looked at all this in amaze as Ramo smiled. Sibel looked at him and she smiled ad well.
What is this? Sibel asked.
Come with me.
Ramo took Sibel in the middle of the arena.Sibel's eyes sparkled as she saw her fav coffee cake.
Your favourite, Ramo said.
How do you know Mr, Sibel asked.
Gülüm we attend lots of parties,functions together. I did notice how your eyes sparkle every time you see coffee cake. So I baked it for you. And I decorated this area myself.
Sibel's eyes glistened with happy tears.she was emotional. Even if he baked banana cake which hates, she would have happily eaten the cake today.
Thank you Ramo.
Ramo shook his head, you don't need to gülüm, he sighed , Bak in the last three years you have done so many things that's made me special.I know it was not easy . You take care of me like you would take care of your self.
Ramo... you and me aren't different.Sibel said.
Exactly why i feel proud to be your husband, He replied.
Could she die today? He said he feels proud to be her husband. He didn't say that he feels proud that she is his wife. That means he is proud of himself too as her husband!
Ramo wiped happy tears from her eyes and kiss her forehead lovingly. He let his lips linger on her forhead.
Parting away her held her hands.
Now let's cut the cake, Come
He lighted the candles.
She blew the candles and cut the cake.
"Happy birthday Gülüm"
He said as she cut the cake. She smiled and  and forwarded the first piece to him.
He smiled and ate the piece of came.He leaned towards her and bought his cold finger in touch of the warms cheek and immediately cleaned away chocolate smeared near her lips.
So now you, he said.
He fed him the piece of cake.
Sibel's stomach having butterflies at this moment. Was this a dream? If it was, she wished it would never break.
S: you proved yet again that Mr. Ramzan kaya never breaks his promise.
Ramo glared at her.
R: Did you have any doubt before?
Sibel shook her head. Ramo smiled.
Lets go back inside tomorrow i am going to keep you on your toes.
R: let's see what you have planned.
Rambel returned back to kaya's mansion.
Sibel slept happily thinking about the perfect start of the day she was born.
The next morning, rambel get ready for the day. The sun was not up yet but rambel were due to sibel's demand.
Ramo was waiting for his wife. He was in his black formals that according to sibel made him look more handsome then he already was.
Finally she came out and said,
Now let's go to our first destination of the day.
Rambel reached beach.sibel was giving him directions And he followed blindly so he didn't even realize that they reached there.
R: beach?
S:yes, get off the car.
Ramo silently followed sibel out of the car.
They both saw beautiful sun rise. Sibel sighed.
S:The sunrise is so beautiful, the last time i came with Baba when i was 17 or else. I never got a chance all these years.
R: it is indeed Beautiful gülüm.
S:I wish every morning of my life begins with you.
R: i wish every morning of my life begins with you too.
They delved into an emotional eylock. He could easily feel the love in her eyes. Spending moments of silence, in peaceful happiness, they got back into their car.
R: where next?
S:Kaya's mansion. I want to change my dress. It won't be comfortable to wear this dress where we will be going next.
Ramo happily obliged.
Once there, Rambel hd breakfast together, they went to get dressed For the day.
Sibel changed into crop top, the tights and sneakers. She advised ramo to change into casual which she bought for him yesterday.
S: Trust me ramo, where we are going you won't be comfortable if you wear formal.
R:No i will be in formals.
S: You are going out with your wife, Not in your table meeting.
Sibel began giving directions to Ramo. He drove the car as per her directions. He didn't even realise when he parked his car at a lot inside an amusement park.
R: Amusement park?
S: yes I booked the tickets yesterday only.that's why I wanted your password.
Ramo sighed.
S:don't tell me you didn't like the idea.
R:you do a lots of thing for me which you don't like it even sibel, so I should do this for you too.
Sibel looked at hi emotionally, he is one big idiot, He is a jerk. He can't express himself.
Entering inside the park, Sibel eagerly looking forward to ride the roller coaster but she felt sad when she realised she wouldn't be able to.
R: if you want to ride the roller coaster Go!
S: No.
S:I don't want to go without you.
R: okie then,I will go with you.
The ride was hell of a journey. Actually a rollercoaster. Her heart thumped. She hugged him, he wrapped his arms around her.
They had lots of fun. For lunch they went to sibel's favourite Chinese restaurant and spend good time together as well.Then they went back to beach where sibel had lots of junk food.They enjoyed the sunset at the same point where they witnessed the sunrise in the morning.
R: let's go.
S: where?
R:to watch movie.
S:But we are late. Its 9:45. Movie started at 9.
R: i have my own plans, My dearest wife.let's go.
Rambel reached their farm house. Sibel, was expecting a movie theatre.
Heshmat was waiting for rambel there only.
Heshmat. Everything is set.
R: Good.
Ramo dismissed Heshmat and now Rambel were alone.
S: Ramo,aren't we supposed to watch movie?
R:Evet, that's why i got you here.
S: I asked if we could go to the theatre. Like the real theatre, not watching movie at home. At farm house.
R: what is there in theatre that is not in here?
S: in theatre you get superior experience. Lights are off, there is big projector screen and then there are popcorn and drinks.
R: we can have the same experience here too gülüm.
S: this is not a theatre!
R: but i can make it one.
S: how?
R: let's go to our movie room.
Sibel followed Ramo to the big movie room they have in their farmhouse. Sibel was shocked to see the big projector screen along with lots of popcorn and drinks. There was a recliner as well. The one with two seats on it.
S:wow I'm impressed.
R: now we can have theatre experience here too.Heshmat basically arranged everything within short notice.
Both of them settled in the recliner.Sibel moved closer to Ramo and held his hand.

Rambel watched the whole movie together. Sibel especially held Ramo's arm tightly when the actions scenes came. They both didn't even realise as Sibel drifted into sleep right there. They were in an uncomfortable yet romantic position.Sibel's right hand around his waist, his left hand around her waist. The fingers of their left hands intertwined on top of her belly.
When Ramo realised she was asleep, he pecked her forehead and whispered " Happy birthday Gülüm"
It was a perfect end to a perfect day. They were together, in each other arms.
The end

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