Hollywood Sign

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Another beautiful day in LA beverly hills welcomed Rambel through the sun rays.
S: Günaydın aşkım (kissing his chest)
R: Günaydın Gülüm ( kissing her hair)
S: I wish to start my mornings like this,
Wake up I am hungry.
R:Me too i want to...
S: Shutup don't tease me
R: ok get ready I will make breakfast. I can help you change for real btw😉
Want me too( sliding his hand up her T- shirt)
Giving her tickling feelings.
S: Ramo
R: Ne Gülüm ( pulling her closer)Kissing her neck.
S: Ouch,
She pulled him closer by his neck and bit him there hard and soothed it with her tongue.
R: You wild cat.. Doesn't mean that you are hungry so you can eat me( Giving her kisses in her nape)
S: who started it.
He started sliding her T- shirt more upwards and took it off leaving Sibel shocked.
S: idk you were this hungry .
R: you don't realise how hungry i am( kissing her seductive milky waist)
S: ughhh stop, go and make breakfast for me before you eat me up.
R: ok i will make breakfast go get ready, kissing her forehead.
Sibel get ready and went towards the kitchen to have breakfast.
As soon as ramo saw her he went up to her and pulled her by her waist.
R: I can't with this unreal wife of mine, you are too beautiful, sexy and nice to be real.
S: really ( biting her lip)
R: don't make me do what i want to do the right way.
S: what if i did?
R: lemme move out of here before you really do.
He moved to the table, she followed him.
They sat down and had their breakfast with love.
S:  remember you have to go on-a date today.
R: yas I remember let's see how good my date can look.
S: you haven't seen her yet have you?
R: nope not the bold side.
S : don't underestimate your date ok.
R: let's see
S: before that we go to Hollywood sign.
R: you are  really excited for it huh.
S: of course it's my dream place why wouldn't i be.
R: ok wait 5 minutes and i will get ready.
S: as you say i will get something to eat.
Ramo get ready and moved down.
S: why do you look so sexy and hot I don't want my man to be stared by some other girls
R: Same goes to you.
S: whatever. When i am with you no man would dare to look at me.
R: then how would a woman dare to look at me when you're with me.
They moved out the car and reached  the path to Hollywood sign.
R: ready it's a hike.
S: have been ready since ages.
They started their hike taking a lot random things sometimes about candies or flowers or shoes not to forget romance too.
S: Thanks for fulfilling my dream.
R: now if you say thank you for every dream of yours that comes true, than you might have to say thank you every minute.
S: you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
R: Me to.
They finally reached the sign.
S: The sign gives me so much relive from where i was and now where i am.it gives me satisfaction about everything becoming alright.
Ramo pulled her into a hug
R: let's start a ritual  wherever we go to special place a kiss had to be shared.
S: fine  why not always ready.
They captured each other's lips into a kiss that marked their presence at the sign.
They took pictures, cute, silly, romantic.
They were meant to be.
They spent some time there.
R: let's start moving I don't want to be late for my date, my date would get mad.
S: how would she get mad when she herself is here.
R:haha i have to be punctual sharp 7 she said.
S: let's get moving.
They reached the villa freshened up got ready for date.
To be continued
  Precap ( Date diaries)

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