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Ramo and Sibel were there on the regz still obsessed with each other. Not leaving a single chance to shower love on each other. It was only one morning that sibel woke up with the jerk and ran to the bathroom throwing up severely. Ramo being the caring husband he is ran behind her caressed her back, holding her hairs back.
After she was done she washed her face and both sat on the bed.
R: are you ok?
S: ya I think, I don't know I've been feeling nauseous lately. But today is the one day i threw up . I just feel really tired.
Something clicked in her mind and shook Ramo really hardly.
S: Ramo get the laptop quick plz.
R:wait why?
S: just plz
He stood up to get the laptop with a lot of confusion and thoughts running through his mind.
She opened up and searched " pregnancy symptoms ". At the moment ramo was just sat there and looking at her. That article showed that pregnancy symptoms included fatigue, feeling nauseous, vomiting and missing your periods among many other.
She closed the laptop and caressing her belly with tears brimming in her eyes.
R: No this isn't true.
S:ya we should test it.
R:ya we have to(in excited tone)
S: pregnancy test.
R:Yas I am going Right now.
He ran out the room with excitement and nervous feeling. He was back within minutes. He gave the pregnancy test strip to sibel and following the instructions she did the test.she came out with nervousness clearly seeing on her face. Ramo snatched the test strip out on her hand it showed positive.
R: this isn't true ( tears brimming)
He picked her up snd and twirled her around.
They were two happiest souls on earth, hugging each other. Ramo showering kisses on her and her belly.
After 10 minutes of being excited, they plopped down on the bed.
R: we should go to a doctor.
S: yas i just want to be sure about this and then tell the family.
R: lets go today.
S: today, okay fine.
They had breakfast with family happily, the pure excitement could be seen on the their faces. They were asked by many of the family members why they were so happy, they professionally just passed them on. Leaving to the doctor they had their check up with the Gynaecologist confirming that yas Sibel was pregnant and she was already one and a half month in.
They sat in the car
S: wow so i am pregnant for real now.
R:  yesssssssss, this is unbelievable , putting his hand on her belly.
S: hey let's tell the family members individually and with a twist.
R: so you mean, we aren't just going to tell, we will do something creative and they will have to guess , why they are doing the thing they are doing.
S: yup everything is so exciting.
S: Not everyone seen the world like i have seen.somethings can effect your life greatly while others bring a handful of happiness in your life. I am  sitting on bed and thinking about how my life changed just yesterday. I am going to be a mom, now I will have a child to raise millions of responsibilities. It still hasn't hit me how big of a wonder this is. But all I could ask for is with me now. The most loving and caring partner  I could ask for, the best family in the world. And the cherry on the top of all this is how my baby can experience how good it feels to have a family around you.
She starts tearing up.
Moving her hand around her belly she speaks to it, i hope you get everything, you are going to have the best people around you little one.
Her tears start falling down on grey sheets, she realised she was lost in the world of her thoughts about her baby. She wiped her tears and whispered to herself
" i am so pregnant ".
She moved down the stairs to see her husband waiting for.
R: Ready" greeted her with a smile.
S: so ready.
They wen to get Sebos.
As they walked down the corridor hand in hand in the glory of the newly learned news they felt complete.
Sibel started sweat thinking about how Anne would react when they tell her the news. She should be happy but thought to herself, is it too soon to have baby? What if I can't be a good mother to my child? What kind of mother could I possible make, I don't know.
Ramo turned to her saw that she was nervous by the way she was holding his hand so tightly.
He simply stopped and turned to her grabbing her by the nape of her neck pulled her towards him and placed a feathery kiss on her forehead making all the wrinkles of tension disappear. He kissed her cheeks ever so softly and said
"We are in this together gülüm I know you will make one hack of a mother so stop ever thinking things and let's go,tell anne.
She was amazed by the way he could her like an open book.
They walked into anne's room and saw something they would never in their lifetime expect.
Her room was filled with boxes and boxes of children's toys and a crib, a Moses basket everything to raise a child.
They both stood at the threshold of the room when anne came and took them both in a bear hug.
She cupped sibel's face and said, i am already 60, all these years of experience don't you think I would know you're pregnant.
Afet, hassan, dogan and the rest of the family came out and congratulated the couple with their generous wishes.
They both stood in the middle in each other embraces while everyone danced around them.
Sibel knew she was the luckiest girl of all to have a family like this. Who loved her at all high and the low. She wanted to live in every moment of this bliss that was offered.
Everything was right, just perfect!
She knew their child would have no problem growing up in this household. She knew she could keep him safe here and with ramo on her side of every step they took forward. She knew everything was just as it was meant to be. She was in this for the long haul and was feeling nothing but gratitude towards everything in her life.
They perfect husband and The perfect family.
The End

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