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Tired would be an understatement for sibel's condition after coming back from work. She was exhausted as hell not only mentally but also emotionally. Ramo was off for a business trip to USA and it was already three weeks since his departure . Sibel was not use to stay away from him for so long after their marriage.
Rubbing the her temples Sibel got up to take a shower so that she could feel a bit relaxed.
After coming back from the shower, she was drying her hairs In front of the mirror when her phone rang.
"Think of the devil and the devil calls"
Thought sibel and picked up the phone.
"Hey Gülüm" there is a parcel for me,  the courier boy must be arriving in 10- 20 minutes, I have to head to a meeting. See you , bye and ramo cut the call for a minute Sibel could not figure out what just happened and when she did she threw her phone in anger.
Just look at this man, he didn't even ask me how am I doing neither he let me speak, all he cares about is his work and so called meetings.
Ahh you stupid.
The door bell rang and cursing ramo under her breath Sibel opened the door only to meet with most unexpected yet lovely sight.
It was him,standing with a lot of luggage and a tried yet smiling face.
It's bad manners Gülüm, won't you ask me to come inside rather than staring at me. I know i am handsome but tired too.
Sibel still didn't respond, she was continuously was then Ramo shook her by her shoulders that she was brought back to the happenings around her.
"But you were coming after a week"
Umm... that's what i told so that I could surprise you, grinned Ramo without any preamble sibel rushed to him and engulfed him in a bone crushing hug, the intensity of which was such that it made Ramo to fall on the couch with sibel in his arms.
Caressing her hair and planting a few chaste kisses on her hairline, Ramo let her be. He was finally home. After a few minutes which felt like eternity Sibel pulled him from hug and took him in a kiss. They didn't need words to communicate.
" I missed you Aşkım "
" I missed you too Gülüm "
Playing with her hairs, it was them that ramo noticed sibel's phone lying on the floor in broken condition.
So Mrs. Ramo broke another phone today.
He lifted her face which was buried in her chest and noticed her sleep deprived and tired eyes.
You couldn't sleep?
As if you could.
Ramo did you eat something?
Yeah i had dinner. What about you?
I had some snacks in the office.
Stop lying, both said in union. They knew each other too well.
After a light dinner with all their bantering
And teasing, sibel was preparing the bed when she felt two hands around her waist. She relaxed in his hold and arched her head to keep it on his shoulder.
I love you so much so much sibel.
I love you too Ramo.
You know these three weeks were the hardest weeks of my life. I feel so bad that I could not be with you when you got to know about this new blessing in our life.
Sibel turned in his hold and kept his hand on her belly.
You know what Ramo, you are the best husband, partner I could wish for. You make me feel like a queen and love me like nobody else. And i am sure you will be the best daddy.
Ramo Cupping her face and kissing her forehead ramo took her in a hug while thinking about the newly found happiness of his life.

The End

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