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Sibel and ramo are getting ready for the wedding and are delayed because they weren't able to resist having sex in the dressing room, which means that sibel had remake her makeup and hairstyle.
To tell the truth,Ramo just wants to keep tangling against the body of his brand new wife. Not go to a wedding of people he hardly knows.
Do i help you with the zip? Ramo offers.
No stay right there. I don't feel like combing my hair again and doing my makeup again.
Come on....Hasn't it been worth it?
Sibel raises an eyebrow, looking at him through the mirror while accommodating her dress.Mr.kaya I thought you were more confident and didn't need your wife to tell you all the time how good you're.
Ramo stands behind her, he put his hands on her waist and run through her neck rubbing her skin with his lips. The way you yell confirms it to le anyway, Ramo murmurs against her clavicle,walking the side of her torso with his fingers, gaining a very soft moan from his wife of which feels the vibration of her throat against his lips, or the way your body reacts to me..... he murmurs against her shoulder, letting his fingers go down the front of her body, reaching her hip bone. Sibel only watches with fascination what he is doing in the mirror, enjoying the gentle sensation that flood her body, but i like you to tell me, Ramo adds looking for her gaze in the mirror, taking advantage of the fact that she is barefoot and can comfortably support his chin between her neck and shoulder.
Sibel bites her lower lip and reaches Ramo's hand that is going down her thigh. Too close to lifting her dress. It's time to leave. Ramo snorts. You have no option here. She turns her head and gives him a short kiss on his lips, we'll go.
Don't you rather stay?
Yas, but we're adults and adults don't always do what they want. She makes a half turn to get loose from him. Ramo snorts when loses contact with her and while Sibel putting the labial and the phone in her small bag smile for herself bcs he can't disguise it. When she is distracted, Ramo grabs sibel's shoes that she hasn't put on yet and leave the room.

Seriously do you think, you're going to stop me by grabbing my shoes? Sibel giggles at his childish attitude and follow him, leaves her bag on couch and reaches him. My shoes Ramo, sibel says stretching out her right hand towards him but he shakes his head and hides them behind him.
Seriously Ramo?
Ramo shrugs. You know who I'm so i will use all the tools i can to my advantage.
Sibel bites her lips, repressing a giggle. Okay since, you're not only a büyük patron but the best dealer I know...
Lets make a deal, what do you want in exchange for my shoes? Anything expect don't go to the wedding.
Ramo quickly accept the game and hold sible's shoes to the side of his body. Okay , he thinks for a few seconds, First come here, Ramo says with a bossy tone and sibel comes closer to him. Tell me I'm good in bed, nothing will happen if you admit it you know?
Sibel chuckles and surrounds his neck with her arms, getting on tiptoes. It's not just you are good.. you know? She mutters close to his lips... nobody has ever made me feel soo good. Ramo grins satisfied and holds her against him by her waist. It's not just you are very good, this time she says accentuating the good part. It's that you love me and i love you... and I never felt it like that with anyone, Sibel says trapping him in her words even very close to his mouth, she only rubs her lips with his and goes to his ears you're soo good Ramo.
Ramo's proud smile double in size, turns his head towards her and hug her tighter. It's good to know. He murmurs in her hair and she smiles against his neck.
Now you know. She whispers, moving her head to look at him again, loosing her balance, which makes them laugh.
Its good to know that i have the effect on you, he smirks.
Very funny, it wouldn't be happening if i had my shoes. Second point?
You will let me take off that dress off you as soon as we cross that door.
Will you seriously waste a point on that? She giggles, its very easy to convince me.
I need to be sure and its good incentive to endure the wedding.
You will be able to do it.
Good. He responds and kisses her sweetly on the lips. Here, cinderella, Ramo says giving her the shoes.
You know that cinderella is missing only one right? Sibel asks amusedly, taking one of the shoes and leaning her hand against Ramo to put it on.
It's not that I'm an expert on children's stuff but I've a nephew and niece... you know? Ramo responds and offers her to other shoe that sibel puts on also holding against him.
It scared me for a moment, sibel tells him chuckling, give him a short kiss, take her bag and start walking towards the door. Ramo watches her all the way as he put his suits sack on and when she's approaching the door, says her name. What? Sibel asks, turning to look at him.
" You are beautiful "
Sibel smiles at him very genuinely. You too, do you know?
She responds as Ramo walks towards her, i like this thing about going to a wedding with my husband, sibel smirks at him and Ramo takes her by hand as he smiles.
Ok,maybe it's fun if we're together. He says stroking her hand with his thumb.
The End

Happy Ramo day

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