Self Destruction is not a solution

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Sibel was sitting leaning to the door, legs held to her chest with her hands circled around the legs and her head leaning back, resting on the wooden frame.A tear drop fell down her right eye but she didn't wipe it off, but another set of tears started to volunteer after another one. She let them travel down her cheeks while she started to sob and whimper. She buried her head between her legs and cried hard until....until what?
Until-her pain subsides away? Until her pain drew away from her? Until her heart and soul mend back? Until what? She didn't knew, she cried hard and harder and harder.. she shook her face up  bc starting at the ceiling still letting her tears run down, like the were racing each to reach first. She cupped her mouth with her right hand to stop her sobs. She bit her palm to stop her cries and screams, her extreme screams and cries could be stopped but what about her internal pains that were caused to her heart, soul and dignity.. those pain could not finish. She leaned on the floor after she slowly locked her door, so that no one could enter in. She rested her head on the cold wooden floor as another tear Drop fell from her eyes to the ground, letting it know how much pain she was in. She banged her fist on the floor hard, as she cried and shouted loudly
She shouted again and banged her fist on the floor, causing it to bleed a little.she banged her head on the hard floor a few times. She cried as she recalled the past days happening at her University. She cried more and more and more until her soul and heart were at peace. But unfortunately they couldn't after whatever they bore.
S: whyyyyyyy.....ughghhhhhg, why meee....whyyyyyyy
She cried loudly speaking these words. She cried more as all the past came in front of her eyes.
Sibel  was standing in her department with her bag and texting in her phone, when a gang of boys approached her. One of the boy, who was the leader of the gang, Boran , stood in front of her and smirked while sibel stood confused and clueless.
B: Look boys a new bomb in university. Hey hottie your name?
He said while touching her hand when Sibel pulled his hand twisted it behind his back, getting a moan in return.
S: what do you think that I'm simple looking girl who you will call shity names and i will listen to you like a ordinary girl and you will be privileged to do anything you fucking want.listen to me you asshole get out of my sight or else you won't be seen in this whole university.... no no this whole world.
Bloody arrogant jerk. Son of bitch , fuck off you bastard.
Saying this she realised his hand while boran immediately started to blow on it.
Sibel glared the gang and left that place cursing those boys, especially Boran.
While boran on the other side was taken aback by the bold gesture of a girl. But what instigated him was that a girl talked to him in that shitty language .... him ....Boran, he looked at sibel's retreating figure with anger and embarrassment. He felt angry upon a girl back answering him, which surly hurt his big  manly ego. He likes behind to see his  gang of boys silently laughing at what happened few minutes ago. He felt insult.Boran started walking, while walking the flashbacks of sibel and his conversation  constantly came in front of his eyes. He stated getting angry.
Boran in mind: How dare that bloody loser insult me like that. What does she fucking think of herself. She is a girl and was showing me attitude. This is the first time someone has insulted me. I will take my revenge from her. She will pay for the embarrassment and insult. Get ready Ms. Whoever. Your bad times start now. In these 3 days i will ruin this bloody clean image of yours. You will pay hard bitch.
  He entered his class when he saw the same girl sitting and laughing on a joke the person sitting beside her just cracked. He got angry seeing her sitting all cool after insulting him.
Sibel who was laughing accidentally moved her gaze from her friend to the boy and his gang standing at the door. She made a disgusting face seeing those same boys. She mumbled some bad words and shifted her sight from those boys to her friends.Boran who noticed all this, walked up to the desk behind sibel's. He sat there when he saw a sitting beside her intertwining their hands together. He immediately guessed that boy to be Ramazan kaya aka Ramo. He was jealous when he saw Sibel smiling at Ramo and giving him cheek kiss.
How dare she reject me and go to him. Bloody bitch now you will see who I am.
He cursed her. The professor entered the class and later the class ended.Ramo and sibel walked out of the class and sat on the bench outside in the garden.
If you guys confused about them lemme tell you Ramo and Sibel are a couple and dating each other since 5 years. Their families, Kayas and Yildirims are family friends since ages and so on Rambel.Both got engaged last year which was silent affair between the two families and soon are getting married after their university get over. Exactly after 5 months.
Ramo knew something bothered sibel. He asked Sibel about the problem when she started explaining about the morning incident with boran.upon hearing that ramo got furious and clenched his hand in a fist. Sibel rubbed his back to calm him down.
R:I am proud of you gülüm that you showed that bastard his true place. This is the one main quality i love you for.
Saying this ramo kissed cheek. Which she responded him back with a double cheek kiss.
S: well leave him, Actually tonight I'm going to the club with Dilber.
R:what are you going with Dilber? Gülüm i told you I don't like her, she always steal you away from me. Whenever you both together , you just forget me.
Ramo spoke all this with a pout. Sibel smiles and pulled his cheeks to which Ramo laughed.
S: Aşkım she is my bestie and you don't need to be jealous okay bc she is my bestie but you're my life. So no one can take your place in my heart. Okay lets leave for our class or else we will be late.
Ramo nodded and they both left for their next class.
A person came out from his binding spot and revealed to be Boran.
B: wow this bitch made my plan easier.
Now get ready for destruction Sibel hanim.
You will be ruined tonight and never be able to show your fucking face to the world.
Boran  said all this laughing like evil.
9:pm at Club
Sibel and dilber were gulping some shots and laughing together. They were discussing about Rambel marriage and being all excited about it. Dilber who wanted you use rest room excused herself and left from their.sibel ask the bartender for another shot. She was scrolling trough her phone then gulped the shot kept in front of her. She kept her phone on the table feeling some intoxication and weird sensations throughout her body. She got up holding her head to got the washroom and was about to enter when suddenly a hand pulled her away, keeping a hand on her mouth and took her some corner. The person turned sibel to himself and the face was shown to be Boran's. He smirked as Sibel was numb due to the drug he put in Sibel's drink.( so the drug used here often called rape drugs as they make person who consumed it unconscious of their surroundings and can induce confusion )
Boran smirked as part 1 of his plan was successful. He opened his phone turned on the video recording on selfie mode.sibel was on the another hand was unconscious about her surroundings,not able to restrain herself from Boran's hold. She was numb. Boran set the camera in his hand and smirked towards Sibel. He pulled her face closer to his and then put his lips on her, kissing her furiously, while recording it. He pinched sibel's arm when Sibel slightly opened her mouth and he entered . After few minutes he left her, stopped the recording . He kept his phone inside the pocket and made an unconscious sibel sit outside the girl's washroom and quickly snuck out of there, laughing on the success of his plan. Dilber who comes outside saw Sibel unconsciously sitting on the floor and went up to her. She asked for some water from a person and gently sprinkled it on her face. Sibel twitches her eyes and slowly opened. She saw herself sitting on the floor and scared Dilber beside her. Dilber slowly helped Sibel get up and left from their to her apartment, not wanting sibel's family to stress unnecessarily.
Next day, at university
Sibel was sitting in the library , deep in her thoughts about what happened last night at club. She didn't knew how she ended up fainting when she only drank a little. Still thinking, when she sensed someone sitting in front of her. She looked at the person to see  a smirking Boran. She got furious and was about to shout at him when he placed a phone recording in front of her.
B: Bak, it's really interesting stuff you know. You will be shocked seeing it.
Sibel who was confused picked up the phone and the video in front of her shocked her completely. Her hands trembled, her face was pale. Her feelings couldn't be described.
S: in trembling voice, what is this?
B: you don't know? Don't worry i will tell you this is called a kiss.
S: How did you.... I know this is fake.. you morphed it.
B: Do you think i am such a weak player babe. No this footage is real and was taken last night when you were at club. I intoxicated you by adding some drugs in your drink and then recorded this. Yaa i just add some moaning sound effects. You know so that it would look kinda real.
B: you remember what you did with me yesterday? This is my revenge bitch. Now i will post it on social media and it will go viral and your image will be ruined.ohh so sad. But ... o think i have an option, maybe i will not leak this but only if.....
S: Boran don't do that, plz don't viral this...
B: Hmmmm.. ok i will not but only one condition.
Sibel was confused and scared. Boran held her cheeks tightly and spoke.
B: You have to sleep with me for one night. You know like one night stand. That's all little bitch. Just one night and you will be saved from humiliation. Now you chose what you want public humiliation or one night stand.

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