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The sun peeped into the newly married cutest couple Rambel room. But not to welcome a not so good morning for sibel. She was on that time for her month. Struggling in the bathroom.
She came out see her husband sleeping which she felt like was a devil at the point.
She went up to him and sat beside him.
S: Ramo plz wake up
R: what happened?( pulling her into him)
S: wake up na plz
R: ok what happened you woke up this early?
S: I am hungry plz make me something to eat.
R: now really? What do you want to eat?
S: pancakes with nutella, Hershey's milkshake, cinnamon rolls, omelette and bread.
Ramo was shocked.
R: all this?
S: Manyak make it now.
R: La- havle what happened? You are changing every minute?
S: Go ask Google.
R: Tamam.
S: but first make breakfast please.
R: ok let's go.
Ramo gave her a piggy ride and made her sit in tha kitchen slab.
While he was cooking sibel was munching on some nuts.
Ramo was done and served it to her , sibel took the first bite
S: this is heaven right here.
R: really?
S: hmmmm
Ramo remembered about Googling the thing he went to get his phone. He searched up when do girls have mood swings?
He read a while article on it and understood her problem. While sibel was too busy devouring her food.
R: i see why you are acting like this now.
S: it really hurts.
R: what can i do?
S: can you please get me a hot water bottle.
R: sure
S: ok can you pick me up to the bedroom, Ramo picked her up and took her to the bedroom laid her down.
S: can you please put this bottle above my waist line but below it.
R: Huh( confused) like how to do you put bottle above the waistline but below it? He didn't want to irritate her more so he put it on her waistline.
R: need anything else?
S: yes a hug please.
Ramo went aww at her and pulled her into an hug.
They stayed there and talking about random stuff.
R: Gülüm i have something for you .
Sibel: Ne?
R: wait i am just coming,Few minutes later he come back with something and give it to sibel.
S: sibel's eyes seemed they will almost come out of their socket.

R: Gülüm you need to use this, A first in Turkey and now in pakistan - it's hygienic

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R: Gülüm you need to use this, A first in Turkey and now in pakistan - it's hygienic. Thats hygiene shield that ensures long hours of hygiene with odor neutralization and high performance absorption.Ramo explained.
Sibel was like wth with him, this is so embarrassing 🤷‍♀️🙈
Ps( this is not paid promotion, or i got this idea From Esra post😂)
S:cam we go somewhere plz aşkım.
R: yes but sure it's not hurting anymore right?
S:ya sure.
R:Oky lets hiking to the wisdom tree, it is in top of the burbank it survived a wildfree and you can leave diary styled note or enjoy the view.
S: that's sound amazing.
R: ok get ready we will go.
S: get me ready plzz.
R: umm what the hell are you in your senses?
S: i am sure, i am yet shower so
R: I don't think you are in your preetty senses, sure you are having mood swings.
S:No i am sure plz.
Ramo took her to the Bathroom and just started removing her clothes and she held his hand and swinged it off.
S: what are you doing Ramo ? Anger tone.
R: you are oh my God I can't, get showered and come outside.
S: Tamam.
They both ready separately and came outside.
S: how can you look so sexy doesn't matter what your wear.
R: really and that waist of yours can make any men go to hell and back.
S: i did that on purpose.
R: what on purpose
S: when i told you to change my clothes,
R: you.. I thought you were having mood swings.
I am not leaving you.
They started running around the house. In the bed when ramo fell and sibel fell on him
Ramo held her by her waist.
R: i am not letting you go after..
S: stfu and lets go.
R: ok then let's go.
They left in the car.
They soon reached the wisdom tree path and started going up listening so some songs as they were halfway through it ramo said,i am tired.
S: i am not.
R: seriously you are not? I read it in article that when girls do things they are really engaged about it and when they don't want to they just lazy and sit there.
S: that is indeed true.
Now this is what you have to deal with every month. Handling a girl isn't very easy Mr. Kaya, specifically this one " sibel kaya" not at all.
Now get up.
R: Pulled her by him, I am already ready Mrs. Kaya.This is the only girl I want to deal with.
They finally reached the wisdom tree.
S: wow this is so beautiful.
R: not more than you.
S: shut your cheesy mouth.
R: ok let's write note.
Sibel wrote:
"This is the place that will be remembered came here with my "Her şey "
Mark the date 11/23/ 20
Find beauty within
Ramo wrote:
This time and every other time is going to be with my " Gülüm "
She is My life.
They pinned their notes to the tree and sat in a rock up there enjoying the view.
R: we will surly come back to LA with someone else added to our family.
S: we will, but wait a minute what does mean someone else added mean?
R: Hadi lani, i mean someone else a kid our love sign.
S: ohaaa what
R: yup
S: Sibel that's a nice idea by the way
Nose like me eyes like you
R: somebody dreaming.
S: I want to live this moment to the fullest.
R: this is the best when it is with you it is , Ramo pulled her by her waist and Sibel wrapped her Arms around his neck.
And captured each other's lips into a warm gentle memorable divine kiss.
The end

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