Mafia Love

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Club place
Sibel in a bar, sitting on her seat while sipping her drink, presses the earring.
Sibel:Dilber have you found anything about?
D: No: God knows where these mafia dealers are.
S: Might be counting how many bodyguards they have.
Voice comes
You are wrong Baby.. I am amused to see how calmly agents are sitting over here without any fear.
Sibel turns and comes face to face with mafia don Ramzan kaya. She gulps and mentally smacks herself for being at the wrong club. She should have been at Rosairo club instead of Ramo's.
Why couldn't name something other than their names.
Sibel: umm...excuse me, what are you talking about?
Ramo had a dangerous aura with him, his eyes held venomous intense stare. He hold her hands, but she smacks at him.
Ramo:No one smacks me,especially a girl. Every girl has fallen for me, even its agents or spies, baby.
S: what's special about you other than the fact you own this bar? Who do you think you're? A person who dressed like a person , who want to impress his boss?
Sibel knows she was digging her grave. It was one of the best bars in the city with specialties, and he was billionaire and how easily she is insulting him. I was hoping you could wait a minute, why even i am talking to him? I should escape from here and complete my mission. Her thoughts were startled when she heard a loud thud on the table and saw Ramo was seething in anger and it was the exact time she should leave, but before that, a hands hold her wrist and she collides with a back without thinking. She holds the person's hand and hit him on his stomach with her elbow. She turns to see the person face and it was Ramo. His eyes were red with anger. She gulps, he was about to hold her when she kneed him and runs away from him. He groans in pain and cusses her aloud.
Sibel, as soon she reaches outside, she sees some person trying to follow her. She removed her heels and throw at them. Hitting at their manhood. She sees two more people following her. She slides down her pocket knife amd throw at one, which hits at one person's leg and the other was still following her, he could have reached her before that he gets punched on his face and falls unconscious.
Dilber: i saved your ass.
Sibel: Ass my shit, we were at the wrong bar, and now that idiot Ramo will be hunting me down.
Dilber laughed at her, sibel glares at her.

Dilber and Sibel reached the hotel they were staying.They both were agents of a company, must say best agents of the company who completed every mission assigned to them. There new mission was to pull out every piece of information about "Ramo's"
Sibel was pacing to and fro, her mind was still occupied with Ramo's image, his face, his voice, his dark aura to which she was attracted. She was pushing these emotions back, she can't fell for a mafia lord, isn't she.
Dilber was noticing this and thought to takw advantage of this situation.
D: what's his name sibel?
S: Ramzan kaya.
Dilber was smirking
D: was he hot?
S: A hot piece with those eyes, his eyes were mesmerising. His voice was thick it gave me goosebumps, his eyes were dark, a dark aura.
D: Are you attracted to him?
S: yeah.
Dilber shouts.
Sibel was startled with sudden commotion before she asks what's the matter. She hears door bell. She look through the peephole and finds out Ramo is standing there with his peoples.
S: hurry up, we should escape from here.
D: why?
S: he is here.
Dilber eyes widen with shock.
D: how will we escape.
S: we will jump through the window as we are on the second floor.we had enough training to jump from the second floor. Hopefully, there will be only scratches and no breaking of bones.
D: God pls don't break my bones. You know I haven't fallen in love yet. I am still unmarried. I would wish to have...
Sibel smacks at her head.
D: can't you let a girl have her peaceful prayer before she dies.
Sibel was irritated.
D: who said we aren't... either ramo will enjoy killing us, or we will die from the aftermath of our jump.
S: stop your drama now.God what kind of best friend you have given me.
Dilber gives a puppy face to her, Sibel shakes her head in amusement. Sibel smashes the window by throwing a chair, she realised the knocking of the door being harsh and can be opened at any minute.
S: Dilber jump nowz
Dilber hesitates.
S: jump girl, otherwise i will throw you out of this window.
She closes her nose with her fingers and jumps as if she was jumping into the water. Now it was sibel's chance before she could jump, they broke the door, she was startled and realised she should jump instantly. She jumps and lands on her feet.
Sibel look around and sees Dilber is not there. She was confused about where she could disappear within these mere seconds. Soon some cars in-front of her, flashing their headlights on her. What is this... a dramatic movie scene or what? Why would they want to blind me by continually flashing their lights on my face? She closed her eyes and shielded them with her hands over her face.
Finally, I am honoured to arrest you, Sibel.
She knew this voice, it was familiar.
S: why would you arrest me, Boran?
Soon some man bring dilber, who was held at gun point.
S: Dilber.
D: this bastard is jealous of us. moron
Boran: you are correct Dilber. I am jealous. You know why before you both came, i was the favourite agent. After your arrival ,no one took glance at me as if i was invisible.
Boran shows a photo.
Where sibel and ramo was standing close to each other in an intimate way.
Boran: After seeing this photo company declares you both as traitors.
Sibel and Dilber was shocked.
S: How could they?
Ramo: so the whole company is here with their agents. What a great day? Have you all signed your death agreement or what?
Suddenly Ramo sees the photo Boran is holding.
R: Don't you think, babe, we should photo frame that picture and hang it on the wall.
Sibel glares at him.
Boran: you surely would after her death.
He puts the trigger on Sibel's head. Ramo was shocked.
R: why? Could you leave her?
Ramo pull out his gun to point at Boran.
Someone shoot ls at Boran's wrist.He losses his grip, Sibel took the opportunity, take the gun from him and kneed-him at his manhood. Soon all company men were held at gun point. Dilber was released free.
How dare you to held my sister at gun point?
A new face shown as Dogu.
R: why are you in my territory Dogu?
Ramo was fumming in anger.
Dogu: sorry dude it's nothing related to you, but it's quite personal.
Dogu hugs Sibel, as he sees it, Ramo's eyes popped out of the socket. Soon Dilber also hug Sibel.
Ps(Sibel isn't Dogu real sis)
Dogu:if you dare to hold my sis at gun Point again, you won't be alive well, next time won't come.
Boran in cracking voice
B: you mean sibel is from a mafia family?
D: Do you want me to make it more clear for you?
Boran fearing for his life, leaving this place with his men.
After few minutes.
Dogu and Ramo shake their hand.
D: it's unusual but I'm sorry. Sibel shouldn't have interfered in your dealings.
R: Then how come she is am agent.
D: well she is mafia dealer who acted as an agent. The company was trying to destroy us, so we needed someone who can destroy them inside. I clearly told her to not mess with any mafia leaders then why she was in your place is unknown to me.
Ramo saw Dogu, Dilber was seated in the car while sibel was getting inside, she winked at him before she goes.
Ramo was shocked be an understatement, no girl dared to dominate him and today this made him chase over her after few minutes of meeting her.
A message pops in Ramo's phone.
"I planned to catch your attention. I did a great job after seeing you chased me within minutes. Are you ready to catch me before someone catches my attention?
Miss me, Babe"
Ramo smirks at her message.
The company was fully destroyed that day.
Sibel and Ramo met at many places for mafia dealings. They flirted with each other,  Ramo stopped being a playboy and worked on how to win her,she was fully enjoying it by giving him a hard time.
After one year

Dogu and Dilber wedding day. They both had a catholic  wedding. A reception party was held where a couple of the day was dancing while others danced with their partners.

Sibel wore a red gown with silver silhouettes. She wore diamonds earrings and  bracelets.
A man comes to her and hold her waist. She was about to flip down, but he holds both her hand and folds it back, bringing her closer.
R: Easy there, tigress.
S: you shouldn't do that, you know me.
R:Don't hit on my manhood again babe, you won't be able to produce your own babies.
S: who told you I want a baby with you?
Ramo leaves her hand and brushes his fingers around her arms.
R: you won't?
S: Hmmm.
Ramo smirks
S: wipe that smirk off your face.
After a while, rambel were standing together, mingling with other business dealers.
S: wanna dance?
R: I suppose boys Ask girls for a dance.
S: who cares? We both are equal expect carrying the baby.I am planning to install a uterus in your body to carry the baby.
Ramo choked on his salvia, Sibel chuckled.
Dogu: That's my sister to you. Think once more  do you really want to marry this brat?
Ramo looks at her and kissed her forehead. Then he holds her hand take her to the dance floor.
Ramo and Sibel dance on slow song while hugging each other.
S: so what do you think? Let's break our marriage announcement to our parents.
Ramo with an evil smirk.
R: we are getting married in two days. Idc who says no.
My bride said "Yes"
Sibel blushes with embarrassment while other laughs at Ramo's excitement.
The crowd shouts for a" Kiss"
  Ramo and Sibel kiss each other while shouting at the air.
The End

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