Good Morning

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It's Saturday at 11 am. Ramo got up four hours ago. He had eaten some fruit and went for a run, then took a shower, he read the news on his smartphone and he doesn't know what to do anymore. Is sibel still sleeping? He decided to go wake her up and offer breakfast in bed. She loves that.
Ramo carefully opens the door to his bedroom and sees her there. She is lying on her chest, hugging her pillow, one of her leg is just out of the blankets and her hair is messy, on the pillow and her face. He sits by the side of the bed, carefully removes the hair from her face, and approaches to kiss her on the forehead.

Good morning..... he whispered in her ear.
But sibel doesn't say anything. She only makes an incomprehensible sound, turns her head, hugged the pillow harder, and snuggles up even more.
Hey.... sibel, it's late.
I don't care. I'm tired. She says trying to put her leg under the blankets again.
Does something hurt? Do you feel bad? He asks worried and caressing her hair.
No... Ramo i just need to sleep.
Ramo lies down, hugging her in the back and molding his body to hers, putting his hand on her waist.
You hate sleep after 10 am. He kisses her neck. And it's 11 Am.
Ramo don't be annoying. She snorts.
Hey..... he hugs her tighter. I'm bored without you.
You lived without me so many years ramo.
Ysss.. completely dull years.
She giggles. I don't want to get up Ramo.
Breakfast here?
Mmmm... i Want to sleep.
You sleep enough!
You're being so annoying. She hugs her pillow again and closes her eyes. Get out of there!
Mhmm..... he says and starts to give her soft kisses on all of her face, shoulders and neck.
Carry on... she whisper, almost sleep again.
No.... no! This isn't the idea. He says and now uncovers her and affectionately bites her arm several times.
Ramxan kaya staap right there! She says trying to get rid of him.
Why? His hands are behind her t shirt and his thumbs make circles on the skin of her waist.
You acting like a kid ramo.
You are!
Ramo! Pleas.
You're not going to sleep all day.
Why not?
Because at night you're going to be upset because i let you sleep, and you're unveiled.
So... you rather bother me now?
Ramo lifts her t shirt and start kissing on her abdomen, but in a few seconds, she is giggling because his short beard tickles her.
If anyone had told me you were so upset, i would have thought a lill better about getting married. She says with tears in the eyes of laughter, and during a useless attempt to move him from there.
You're a liar! He raises his head a lill and look at her, smiling with his eyes grind.
And you're annoying! Sibel turns around, to turn her back on him.
Mhmm.... maybe, without saying anything, ramo lies on her, crushing her completely.
I want the divorce, I'm going to call a lawyer. She says trying to serious, but she actually laughing.
Who is looking for fighting now?
I'm not looking for anything, i just want to sleep! She tries to move. And you're crushing me mister.
Mhmm... that's the point.
Ok ne right there.
She closes her eyes again and stops to respond to him. They spend a few seconds in complete silence until ramo gets out of the bed and grabs her by the feet dragging her down the mattress.
Ramzan kaya i hate you! She says, kicking and trying to get rid of him.
You're lying again. You love me. He says stroking her ankles with his thumb.
At the exact moment i hate you. She takes a pillow and throws it to him. She is about to fall out the bed.
I see you're awake enough. Sibel roll her eyes and he lets go off her feet.
Good morning.he says and kisses her on her lips.
Good morning? This is a good morning?
You live with me, all mornings should be good morning sibel.
Yes. Sure man! She rolls her eyes and  goes back to bed and cover up again.
Not again...
It's cold ramo.
Coffee? In fact, i came to  offer you breakfast in bed.
And i just want to sleep.
C mon, you're just fighting now. You're not going to sleep again.
She raises her shoulders. Are you sure? She challenges him and lies down again, hugging her pillow.
Ramo sighs and lies down next to her, he poses his hand on her back, moving thumb there, and begins to fill her skin with lazy kisses. Sibel sighs, relaxing with his kisses and smiles as he does so.
Why did you try to wake up like this if you can do it more affectionately? Sibel asks when he's on her body, kissing her neck.
Mhmm.... do you like this? He asks in her ear.
I really do. She smiles.
Good to know. Sibel giggles and ramo tries to take off her t shirt.
Oh, no sir! Do you really think that after all you just bothered me, and you're going to take off my clothes.
You know that when you get angry you get sexy.
It's your fault, not mine. I was just trying to sleep.
Sibel. He snorts.
Ramo! She says in the same tone and mocking him. Now i want my breakfast in bed.
But nothing, breakfast. You're not going to win this. Sibel says.
And if don't want to?
Good luck with your day, i come back to sleep. She says, snuggling in bed again.
Okay, you win mam. He snorts again and gets up from the bed.
Without saying anything else, Ramo leaves the room and sibel start laughing.
Don't laugh.
When you're going to staap thinking you cam beat me on something? Or bother me without consequences?
Maybe it's me who wants the divorce.
Sure! She rolls her eyes. You can't live without me. Shutup and make my breakfast.
The end
A/N ( Happy ramo day besties. Hope you all are doing well. I have another plot for rambel book , but I'll start my new book after Ramazan. Have a blessed Ramazan. Just remember me in your prayers.)

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