Banters & Snuggles

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After a long and hectic day at work sibel was driving back home and was thinking to get a relaxing bath and then sleep. It was a Friday night and she had a weekend off.
She was checking her phone again and again but not for checking if a certain someone had called or dropped a message after their fight this morning. Well that was what she was telling herself but even a slight look at her face was telling otherwise.
"Aptal" I don't even know what is wrong with this man, she frowned while talking to herself.
Ramo and sibel had been married for two years and just like everyday they had gotten themselves involved in a banter which later on transformed into a fight. Although the reason behind it wasn't very serious.
All Sibel wants to hug him tightly and snuggle into him.she loved him so did he. However today the matter looked serious. They hadn't talked to each other at all the whole day. Their work kept them busy but the hollowness in their hearts could be healed only in each other's Arms.
Sighing sibel came out of her thoughts and parked the car in front of the mansion. Taking her belongings she walked towards their room hoping to not face the Grey eyed human.
She opened the door only to find the room empty and silent. He wasn't home still. She looked at the clock. It was 10:00 pm. She knew he would be on his way back. Taking her robe from the wardrobe she went to take a bath.
After about 15 minutes Ramo entered the room. He was extremely exhausted and wanted to slump on the couch but with her. He had missed her so much. Maybe the exaggerated the whole thing. He heard the washroom door open. Their eyes met. They could easily see the yearning and love. But a little teasing hurt no one, Right.
Composing herself Sibel walked towards the mirror where ramo stood. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up and a tie was a bit loosened up. His perfectly gelled hair were a bit messed up but he still looked perfect as always. How much Sibel wanted to throw away this king size ego of hers and jump into his arms.
" Done checking me out?"he spoke with a smug smile on his face. Damn why did this man have to be so adorably charming. Sibel knew what he was trying to do. Taking a small amount of body lotion in her palms she applied it on her hands. Whatever floats your boat. She replied in a singsong manner.
Ramo knew his wife wasn't someone who would give up so easily. If he was stubborn she was equally stubborn. But right now she looks extremely beautiful. She stood there in her bathrobe, open hair,her no makeup face and the heavenly scent of hers which drove him crazy.
Pulling her by her waist he rubbed his stubble on her cheeks. Sibel closed her eyes at the sensation. She clearly knew he was make her lose to seduction but she wasn't going to give up easily. I guess you need to take shower. You smell really bad, she spoke huskily in his ears and then bit the inside of her cheeks trying to not laugh. Ramo was baffled at this sudden move of hers. He smelled his shirt and jeez. He actually needed to a shower.
" Sibelllllllllllllllllllll" he whined like a child not before giving her a stare and walked towards the bathroom. Once he was inside sibel laughed keeping her hands on her abdomen. This man was really unique but in a lovable manners of course. His confused face was still in her mind.
Ramo came from the washroom after a nice, relaxing shower. Quickly wearing his night dress he went to balcony to find her.
As soon as his eyes fell on her his heart rammed in his chest. She still affected him. She was standing with her back facing him. Her long tresses were flowing with the wind and the moonlight cast a glow on her face making it look even prettier.slowly walking to where she stood he stopped right behind her.
How was your day?
Fine, yours? Sibel asked.
Good , Ramo replied in a very unusual tone.
They stood in silence with there hands resting on the parapet. Slowly Ramo intertwined his pinky finger with hers.
Missed Me?
Not at all, Sibel replied with a playful smile still not looking towards him.
"Neither did i" Ramo spoke as if convincing himself.
But i never asked, sibel was enjoying this game now. She bit her lower lip to stop herself from smiling.
Yeah yeah I know, I've got evil monkey as a wife after all.
And what about you stupid moron? Sibel spoke staring at him, his gaze was enough to burn her. Slow smiles crept up their lips and soon they burst into laughter. Oh god, how much they missed all of this since morning.
Once their laugh subsided ramo came behind her wounds his arms around her waist engulfing her in a back hug.He swept her hairs to other side and buried his face in the crook of her neck. It was home. Sibel tilted her head a little more to give him more access and kept her hands on his that were resting on her abdomen.
Basking in each other's embrace was there favourite part of the day after having-a hectic workday.
"Ramo" I missed you.
Me too Gülüm.
Why didn't you call me? She asked with a pout.
Gülüm i am so sorry, i had continuous meetings today, you thought I didn't call bc of this right.
Sibel felt hitting herself . She thought he didn't call bc of the fight while she too did the same.
You didn't call bc of our fight this morning? He slept turned her towards him while she avoided his gaze. Her eyes a bit welled up at the stupid stunt she pulled.
"Gülüm look at me" He spoke cupping her face slowly.
Aşkım, i am so sorry, I feel so stupid right now for behaving so childishly.
Ramo planted a soft kiss on her forehead. Sibel there's nothing to feel bad about it. It's okay gülüm.
She leaned closer to him and captured his lips. Her hands found their way to his hairs while his hands were encircled around her waist. After few seconds they parted and Ramo planted a sloppy kiss on her cheeks to which she chuckled.
They basked again in each other arms promising themselves to be the reason of each other's happiness.
The end

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