Chapter 3 - The Art Of Being Alone

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Chapter 3 - The Art Of Being Alone

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Chapter 3 - The Art Of Being Alone

Snape had explained that there was a total of ten safehouses

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Snape had explained that there was a total of ten safehouses. Well, as safe as they could be. He had explained that they were more on the run down and broken side just as theirs. Only four of them were located on the nice parts of the city.

Draco did not care if he had to walk through hell. He was ecstatic to know that there could still possibly be more of the Slytherin's out there.

Even so, from time to time he pondered about those he left behind. While it wasn't on purpose it made his heart ache and his inner omega whine.  He desperately always chained his inner omega away to keep him from commiting impulsive decisions.

In order to keep it locked, Draco had tried to drift his thoughts away but they always went back to his people, especially now as of lately.

He shook his head constantly making his friends concerned. Later, I'll worry about this later. For now, let's save those we can.

He returned back to the task at hand. He memorized and committed to memory what he would do.Ten locations. Four in the city. The rest outside. Search for his people. Then leave and—. He hesitated for a second. What would he do after? Would he search for his parents? Go back to his home?

He had no idea. All he knew was that tomorrow he, Blaise, Pansy and Professor Snape would go back out once more into Gryffindor territory.

The next day could not move any faster.

The old shack constantly reminded him of his hopeless situation. He could not wait any longer.

But he would.

They had stayed one more night discussing which one they would arrive to first. They decided to go to the one located further from the heart of the city. Not counting their safehouse there was nine left.

He continued to repeat what they would do tomorrow over and over again. Ten locations. Four in the city. The rest outside. Search for his people. Ten locations. Four in the city. The rest outside. Search for his people. He repeated it all night until dawn.

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