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Chapter 18- An Offer I Could Definitely Refuse
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Draco sat on his bed fumbling with the medical supplies. His eye burned from the air hitting his skin. He could still feel blood releasing from the wound on his left eye.
He ceased his actions, throwing the bandages he had found to the ground in anger," I don't need your help."
Potter had come back not too long ago. His hands twitching in hesitation from the corner of his eyes,"Really?" He scrutinized him up and down," It sure looks like you do."
Draco glared at him halfheartedly," shouldn't you be with that friend of yours."
"He wants to be left alone."
"Then that makes two of us," Draco muttered as he grabbed a rag soaked with water. He hissed as he dabbed the blood away.
"Let me do it for you."
"I said I'm fine."
"Quit being a child and let me do it, it'll go a lot quicker if you'd allow me to." Potter yanked the medical supplies from him and kneeled in front of his peripheral view.
Draco pursed his lips, curses dying off from the top of his tongue as Potter leaned closer. His smoky scent filling his senses.
Between these minutes not one dared to voice or mutter a word. The only sound of excess water being squeezed from the rag, and the hissing sounds of pain filling the quiet tent.
Draco clutched his hands over his thighs, "Is it bad?"
"Horrid." Potter replied as he wrapped a white bandage over his left eye. "It'll probably take weeks for this to heal over."
Potter glanced at Draco's face, cleared his throat as he tried a way to bring up what happened.
"I'm not going to apologize." Draco spoke, "if that's what you're hoping."
Potter listened as he spoke. Not a reaction that Draco had expected from him. But he continued nevertheless.
"And you know what I've come to realize, Potter. It's that no matter if I hadn't said something, I would still be seen as the villain in this whole damn place. Just look at me, look at what happened. Yes, I may have said hurtful words to that Ron guy, but-," Draco sight do and ran his hand through his hair."-the point is neither of us would have come out unscathed. And he's not the only one who lost someone."
Draco could see the tension from Potter's shoulders, perhaps it could have been sympathy, anger, or even guilt, but what he did know was that in some way he felt the same as he did.
A month had soon passed. Needless to say, their relationship had not changed. They still watched each other's moves like a hawk. Both in doubt of one another day after day. Sometimes they spoke other times they did not.
Draco had finally been able to heal from his left eye. He remembered dragging his hand over the scar, his eye no longer serving a function, and left a lighter color than his other.
He trembled in anger of the incident and swore to get back at that man. Nearly everyday he grasped a hand mirror left in the tent and stared at his useless eye.
Draco placed the mirror down as gently as he could," how long have you been there?"
"Long enough." Potter walked over to see his injury.
Draco had let him walk closer to him this month that had passed. He had also come to a realization that Potter. had gotten this need to be in personal space sometimes, just like now.
"Do you need more medication?" He gripped his chin tilting it up and to the side to see they scar.
"No." He pushed away his hand getting ready to leave him on the tent alone if he dared to touch him again. "What do you want anyways. You never talk to me unless you want information."
"Perceptive as usual, Malfoy."
Draco sneered at his tone," out with it."
"We need your cooperation."
"You've been here with us, and have not done anything relatively useful to us. It's time you've kept your word."
"My word? I don't recall agreeing to helping you, or anyone for that matter. You're insane if you think I would lift a finger for this pathetic excuse of a pack, especially after how your friend left me!"
Potter gritted his teeth, calmly inhaling and exhaling in counts of four to ease the anger bubbling. "Listen, you don't have a choice or even a way to refuse, you're not here to live in luxury or lie around doing nothing. You will follow me even if I have to drag you by your hair. Is that clear enough for you!"
Fucking asshole. "Crystal."
"Good, now follow me." He turned his heel walking steps ahead of Draco.
It didn't take long for them to reach their destination. As it had been the place where he had lost his left eyesight. He gaped his mouth open to stand against entering but Potter had predicted this and forcibly made him go inside first.
The tent had looked exactly as the day he had left, yet this time there were others are gathered.
"Now that everyone is here," Potter spoke," let's begin."
Potter lead Draco to a seat next to his. Directly across Ron who stared at the papers in front of him.
"Voldemort." Was the word that immediately caught Draco's attention as it left Potter's mouth.
Draco flinched in recognition of that name. He could still feel that phantom burn on his forearm from the mere mention of him .
"Is a common enemy we all have, and in order to defeat this man and his army we need the cooperation of all of us. We all know from the history that the Slytherin once held a close relationship to them. Until they didn't, and we know that the royal family was much closer with him than anyone else." Potter glanced at Draco then back to everyone else. "Which is why we brought Malfoy here, a representative of the Slytherin and one of the royal members, specifically crown prince Draco Malfoy...."
It finally dawned to Draco why he was here, why he was saved. He could never really be free, after all he was still a prisoner. Even if he had a bit of freedom.
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