Chapter 8 - What Fate Brought

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Chapter 8 - What Fate Brought

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Chapter 8 - What Fate Brought

It had inevitably not been weeks that the doctor would trust her

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It had inevitably not been weeks that the doctor would trust her. It had taken up three months, however, as bad as this sounded Hermione had been able to gather information on how to aid 'patient silver'.

She brushed off her unruly hair out of her face, standing in front of the observation room where the said male was being held in. She wondered for a moment if he could sense the presence of another being when he snapped his head up towards the one-sided mirror.

She stopped staring when the metal door creaked open on her side. "Doctor Pettigrew," she greeted him in fake joy. Her smile was tight and her teeth gritted a little too hard for it to be enthusiastic.

"Granger, are you ready?"

Hermione wanted to curse his fiber being for asking her if she was ready," Yes."

The doctor smiled and led, motioning her towards the metal door. It felt as if he was presenting her a Christmas present. His eyes crinkled slightly, hands shaking in what seemed to be excitement. His clothes were crisp and clean, yet they smelled of the gross experimentation facility he worked at everyday. It was a chemical like scent it could be compared to cleaning chemicals used in the hallways of the facility she worked in.

She stepped inside the room, almost too quickly for her liking. She helplessly observed Silver giggling and slumping his head back and forth, it kind of reminded her of a person bobbing their head to a popular song.

"Doc' man!" Silver exclaimed. His face brightened up and his mouth twitched upwards in a lopsided smile. "What're ya doin' ere?"

Hermione shivered watching the long needle of the syringe slip out and be put back into the medical tray. She instinctively clutched her own arm and left it hanging there for a couple of seconds then released it and stood tall. She waits for the doctor to step aside to introduce her.

She smiles showing her white pearly teeth, Hermione is slightly self-conscious about her frizzy, and untamable hair. She takes a deep breath and forces herself to become a happy worker as she greets him." Hello my name is Hermione Granger, from here on I will be taking care of you."

Silver scans her up and down, almost suspicious of her being there in front of him," who're you?" He purses his lips and furrows his eyebrows.

"Hermione Granger." She repeats patiently. "I'm going to be in charge of your intake from now on, Silver."

Silver giggled and his index finger pointed at her face,"Ha, ya 'air looks like a nest."

Hermione trailed her hand to her frizzy hair and tried to smooth it down from his comment. She almost felt embarrassed of it being pointed out by him."I get that a lot."

"Granger, you know the procedure after inserting the syringe correct?" Doctor Pettigrew clicked his mouth and made an odd sound. "I'll be gone to another facility to check in on other things, so I have to know right now if you can handle this or not."

"I can handle this." Hermione inwardly thank god for this golden opportunity." It won't be too difficult, he's practically numb and all giggly."

Doctor Pettigrew agreed and handed her his clipboard," This is where you will be writing the information. Sometimes others will be watching on the other side, the schedule is written in the break-room if you need to revise. But it's typically on Wednesday's. Tomorrow I will only watch you inserting the syringe and making sure you do it correctly step by step."

"Okay, Doctor Pettigrew, but I have a question."


"Um," Hermione hesitated," Why is he all strapped up?"

"Ah, couple months ago he thought he could escape. These-", he tapped the white straps holding Silver down," -are simply precautions. We don't want that happening next time around. Bastard almost got away had the guards not have had any suspicions."

Hermione noted to keep watch and be more careful or at least replace the guards with trusted friends in the force. She stared up at the camera and nodded her head once to greet the guards currently watching them. "Does he ever get realeased?"

The doctor tilted his head," what's with all these questions?"

Hermione gripped the clipboard in her hands and waved it,"no, it's just caution, so I don't do anything I'm not supposed to." She lied and smiled once more. Her foot tapped up and down repeatedly waiting for his answer. She could feel a little sweat rolling on the back of her neck in fear of him finding out that she wanted to save him.

The doctor nodded," we let him go free for bathroom breaks and to wash him up. Sometimes, which is on rare days, he gets to freely sit up for ten or five minutes to get some mobility."

"I see." Hermione looked back at Silver and watched him staring at her. Hermione for a moment thought that without any of those sickly looks he could be handsome. His hair was long and past his shoulders which looked in dire need of a wash. His skin and thin-obviously malnourished body twitched each minute that passed. His breathing was slow and worrying for a person who was supposed to be alive.

The doctor cleared his throat and Hermione forced herself to look away and face the doctor.

"I'll leave you to it now," he checked his watch,"I have a meeting to get to in a couple of minutes, I'll be back to check on your progress."

"Yes, doctor."

That being said the doctor said his goodbyes to Silver and slammed the metal door open.

The girl finally felt like she could breath freely and act like no-one was there (even though that was untrue considering that the camera was watching her every move like a hawk watching it's prey waiting for it to attack and eat her alive) for once she was glad that the cameras had no audio installed until two weeks from now.

Hermione was prepared to help this person in front of her. Her constant night awake would no longer be an issue these upcoming few weeks. She could feel her blood pumping, her fake personality would not be needed here anymore, because she didn't like her job. For once, Hermione was glad to have persuaded the doctor to allow her to take over.

The giggling of Silver brought her back to reality once more," 'retty."


"You're 'retty."

Hermione smiled softly and patted his head," thank you." Hermione covered his body with her own and slipped out a hidden syringe from her long sleeved medical coat." Now, let us begin the real experiment I created for you."


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