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Since getting two of my best friends back I've been trying my hardest to stay in contact with them. Usually, I have to wait for Sirius to contact me. He's been moving all over since he's still technically an escaped convict. But Remus on the other hand I can talk to whenever I want.

I sit in front of the fireplace in my room. I smile when I see Remus' face.

"Moony," I greet.

Remus smiles. "Annie."

I was never graced with a nickname like the rest of the Marauders.

"I heard about Harry," Remus tells me.

"Poor kid can't catch a break," I state. "I don't even understand how this happened."

"You're sure Harry didn't have someone put his name in for him?" Remus questions.

"You should see him, Remus. I think he was hoping to be disqualified," I confess.

"The Minister should never have allowed him to continue," Remus argues.

I nod my head. "I'm afraid once Padfoot hears he's going to try and come back to England."

Sirius has been moving all over Europe. Last I heard he was in Belgium. If he thinks Harry is in danger he is going to try and keep him safe even if that means getting himself hurt in the process.

"I'm afraid you're right," Remus admits.

"I'm going to have to use the only leverage I have on him," I state.

"Which is?" Remus questions.

"Being his favorite," I tease.

Remus laughs loudly. "And if that doesn't work, I'll try my best to keep him away."

"Thank you, Moony," I tell him.

"Anything for you," Remus teases.

I spot Ron and Maddie in the hallway by himself. "Have either of you seen Fred and George?"

"Nope," Maddie tells me.

Ron shakes his head. "Not since lunch. Why?"

"Just the usual Weasley twin pranks," I tell him.

Ron smiles slightly. "What have they done this time?"

I sigh. "I swear I treat those boys rather nicely and they repay me with a dungbomb in my classroom. Those poor first years did not know what hit them." Ron laughs. "Not funny, try completely disgusting. They bolted before I could give them detention." I look around. "Where are your friends?"

"Hermione is studying in the library," Maddie tells me.

"And Harry?" I ask.

Maddie looks at me and shakes her head slightly.

"How should I know?" Ron counters. "I'm not his keeper."

"What's got your wand in a twist?" I question.

"Ron's a tab bit upset with Harry," Maddie tells me.

"He didn't even tell me," Ron states.

"About?" I question.

"His name being in the goblet," Maddie informs me.

"He didn't even tell me. I'm supposed to be his best friend," Ron tells me.

"Ron you are," I assure. "It's just... Harry is scared. He didn't ask for any of this to happen, despite what you think. He definitely didn't put his name in the goblet. So, you can either be jealous or you can be his best friend and help him through it." I spot Fred and George down the hall. "I gotta go." I start towards the two. "Hey! You two!"

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