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Everyone sits in the Great Hall and watches as the first years get sorted into their houses. I clap a little louder every time Gryffindor gains another student. Once a Gryffindor always a Gryffindor.

Dumbledore stands up from his seat. "Now we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very special guests as well. You see Hogwarts has been chosen..." Filch comes running down the aisle and up to Dumbledore. He whispers something in his ear before running back out. "So, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event. The Triwizard tournament. Now for those of you who do not know, the Triwizard tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school a single contestant is selected to compete. Now let me be clear, if chosen you stand alone. And trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint hearted, but more of that later. For now, please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of magic and their headmistress Madam Maxime."

A group of girls dressed in blue dance up the aisle and release butterflies into the air. They bow and everyone applauds. Headmistress Madam Maxime is a rather tall woman towering over most everyone in the room. Blimey, she's even bigger than Hagrid.

"And now our friends from the north, please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and the high master Igor Karkaroff," Dumbledore states.

A series of older boys walk up the aisle brandishing bo staffs, twirling them around and periodically stabbing them into the ground with a spark effect. Walking down the aisle with Igor is Viktor Krum. The boys breathe fire in a rather dramatic way.

"Albus!" Igor greets.

"Igor," Dumbledore states as they embrace. Dumbledore walks towards the students. "Hogwarts, let's entertain our friends in the best way we can. All stand." Everyone stands up from their seats. "Maestro, please."

Everyone from Hogwarts starts to sing our school song. It's nothing compared to fire breathing and dancing but it's ours and we're proud of it. After the song the students sit back down, and our guests settle in. Food magically appears on all the tables, and the hall is filled with awe and chatter.

"Professor Dumbledore, my horses have travelled a long way. They will need attending to," Madame Maxime tells Dumbledore.

"Not to worry Madame Maxime, our gamekeeper Hagrid's more than capable of seeing to them," Dumbledore assures.

"But you know Monsieur Hagrid, they drink only single malt whiskey," Madame Maxime tells Hagrid.

I look on in shock as Hagrid accidentally stabs Professor Flitwick in the hand with a fork.

"You idiot!" Flitwick shouts.

"Your attention please!" Dumbledore shouts. "I would like to say a few words. Eternal glory, that is what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard tournament. But to do this that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks. For this reason, the ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule. To explain all this, we have the head of the department of international magic cooperation Mister Bartimus Crouch," Dumbledore tells everyone.

Thunder roars overhead, rain begins leaking through the roof and screams break out. A strange man stands in the doorway, he casts some magic upwards and seals the roof. Everyone calms down. It's Mad-Eye Moody. Mad-Eye Moody got his name because of the mechanical eye of his. He limps, breathing heavily as he goes. I worked with him quite a bit when I was an Auror. He's a great man but a bit mad. I'd trust him with my life though if I needed to.

"My dear old friend, thanks for coming," Dumbledore greets.

"That stupid roof," Mad-Eye Moody remarks before taking a drink.

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