twenty five

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I sit out on the front step of the Burrow. In less than twenty four hours I'll be married to Bill Weasley. I can't tell if the butterflies in my stomach are from nerves or excitement. Probably a little of both.

I hear the front door open and Maddie steps out. "Cant sleep?"

I shake my head. She sits down next to me.

"I never thought I would be getting married again," I confess. "At eighteen I knew that I was marrying the love of my life and I never thought I would lose him so soon." Maddie nods and I smile. "And then I had you to worry about."

"I told you to start dating again when I was eleven," Maddie reminds me.

I roll my eyes. "I wasn't ready when you were eleven."

"Wasn't ready or hadn't met Bill yet?" Maddie asks.

I laugh lightly. "I guess I hadn't met Bill yet." I sigh. "If anything I feel like I'm lucky to have found love twice. What about you?"

Maddie looks at me confused. "What about me?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I mean you invited Neville to the wedding."

"Because he's my friend," Maddie insists.

"Has nothing to do with you liking him?" I question.

"What? Me? Like Neville? No," Maddie states. I give her a look. "How did you know?"

"Well every break you write to him at least once a week which is more than you've ever written to Hermione or Harry. And you always get this goofy smile when you read the letters he sends you," I tell her.

Maddie smiles slightly. "Really?"

I nod my head. "Really. So why don't you tell him you like him?"

"What does it matter? I'm leaving with Harry after the wedding," Maddie reminds me.

"Even more the reason to confess your true feelings," I tell her.

"Maybe when I get back," Maddie tells me.

I roll my eyes. "At least dance with him at my wedding. That's all I want."

Maddie sighs. "Fine."

"At least you have to wait for Harry to turn seventeen so you don't have to miss my wedding," I tell her.

"I could never miss your wedding, Mum, I'm the maid of honor," Maddie jokes.

"It's dangerous you know," I tell her. "Going to find the Horcruxes."

Maddie nods her head. "We've figured that out."

I laugh lightly. "You are so much like your father. He wouldn't hesitate to run headfirst into danger." Maddie smiles slightly. "He'd be proud of you. For what you're doing. For what you're risking." Maddie nods her head. "Come here." I pull her in for a hug. "Now no tears. I'm the only one allowed to cry on my wedding day."

Unlike the first time when Lily helped me get ready on my wedding day I have Maddie and Ginny this time. I'm quite surprised that everything is going well so far. I made Remus cry when I asked him to walk me down the aisle. I couldn't think of anyone better. It's just him and I now. And even when we were younger I always had a soft spot for him.

Remus and I stand arm and arm outside of the tent. Butterflies and bees were hovering lazily over the grass and hedgerow. I can't help but laugh when I hear someone wolf whistle.

"Fred," I state.

Remus nods. "Definitely Fred."

I can hear the music start to play.

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