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I sit in the Astronomy Tower smoking a cigarette. I've been watching small groups of students returning from Hogsmeade for the past few minutes. Among the last group are my kids, the Weasleys, as well as Harry and Hermione. I don't know what they're up to but it's definitely something, call it mother's intuition.

"Right. Over the next few days, we should each come up... with a couple of possibilities of places we can practice. We've got to make sure, wherever it is, there's no chance she can find us," Harry instructs.

"Will do, Harry," Ron assures.

I put out my cigarette before heading down towards the Gryffindor dormitory. Maddie and Hermione see me waiting and I smile at them.

"Hi, Annie," Hermione greets.

"Mum, hi," Maddie greets.

"Any chance I can talk to my daughter alone, Hermione?" I ask.

Hermione nods her head. "Of course."

I wait for her to head into the dormitory before I turn to Maddie.

"What are you and your friends doing?" I question.

"Just heading back to our room," Maddie tells me.

I narrow my eyes. "Not looking for a practice space?"

Maddie looks surprised. "How did you know about that?"

"You and your friends truly are not as slick as you think you are. I could hear you talking all the way up in the Astronomy tower," I tell her. "So what do you need a practice space for?" I question. Maddie looks at me as if debating whether or not to answer my question. "Either you tell me or you get detention for a month."

"Mum," Maddie protests. I raise my eyebrows. She groans. "Fine. We're going to create an army."

"An army?" I laugh. "Are you insane?"

Maddie nods. "We need to be able to protect ourselves."

"At least one of you has been talking to Sirius," I state.

Maddie smiles slightly. "We might have spoken."

"You have to be careful," I tell her.

"Wait, you're not gonna try and talk me out of it?" Maddie asks.

"How could I talk you out of it when your father and I were only two years older than Maddie when we joined the Order." I shrug my shoulders. "If Umbridge won't teach you someone has to. And you're not a little girl anymore you're not blind to the things happening in the world. Just keep it quiet. Umbridge will not handle this lightly if she were to find out." Maddie nods her head. "And don't think this is an excuse to not do your homework."

Educational Decree No 23

All student organizations are henceforth disbanded. Any student in noncompliance will be expelled.

Educational Decree No 82

All students will submit to questioning about suspected illicit activities

Educational Decree No 68

Those wishing to join the Inquisitorial Squad for extra credit may sign up in the high inquisitor's office

I've taken it upon myself to check in on Dumbledore's Army meetings from time to time. Seeing as how my daughter and her best friends are all involved I've got a lot riding on them not getting caught or accidentally maiming each other. Don't get me wrong, everyone is truly brilliant and more than capable but they're still just kids.

I wake up to a knock on my door. I get up and wrap a robe around myself. I open the door curious as to who could be knocking so late. McGonagall is the one to greet me.

second//bill weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now