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I sit in my room when I hear a knock on the window. I recognize the owl immediately. It's the one Sirius sent last time. I hesitantly open the window for the bird. I point my finger at it.

"If you bite me you are going to have a very bad day," I warn.

I take the letter from the bird without it biting my finger. The bird watches me from the sill as I read the letter. It's a map of England with a circle over what looks like a building. The words "MEET ME HERE" are written beside it. What is he doing?

I land in the middle of the living room. Sirius is sitting on a couch. He smiles when he sees me.

"What the hell are you doing?" I question.

"Now dear Annie, is that anyway to greet a friend?" Sirius teases.

Before I can say anything Remus lands in the living room beside me.

"Have you lost your mind, Sirius?" Remus questions. "Why are you here in London?"

"That's the genius part Moony, no one will look for me at my mother's house," Sirius reasons.

I roll my eyes. "Is there an actual reason that you've brought Remus and I into this godforsaken house?"

Let's just say the three times I met Sirius' mother it never ended well. The first time she met me and realised I was pureblood she loved me. Five minutes later when she realised I didn't care for all the pureblood supremacy crap she didn't like me. Next time when I told her to stop degrading a house elf I fell even further from her graces. The last time I ever saw her she called me a filthy blood traitor for dating a muggle born. When Sirius ran away from home, I was kind of happy I would never have to see his mother again.

Sirius shrugs. "Just thought I'd invite some old friends over."

"You're lonely," I state.

Sirius gives me a look.

Remus smiles. "We might as well stay, Annie. It has been months since we've been together."

"Maybe we should have had this reunion anywhere but here," I offer.

Suddenly all I can hear is a horrible, earsplitting, bloodcurdling screech.

I stare daggers at Sirius. "Tell me that's not your bloody mother."

Sirius smiles sheepishly. I head into the hall and see the curtains of a portrait flung open. Walburga's portrait is screaming as if she were being murdered. Remus tries to tug the curtains closed over the unpleasant old woman. Instead, she just starts to scream louder.

"Filth! Scum! By-products of dirt and vileness! Half-breeds, mutants, freaks, begone from this place! How dare you befoul the house of my fathers ..."

"Remus hold me back before I rip that stupid bloody portrait to shreds," I warn.

"Shut up, you horrible old hag, shut up!" Sirius shouts.

"Yoooou!" Walburga shouts at her son. "Blood traitor, abomination, shame of my flesh!"

"I said shut up!" Sirius shouts.

Remus is finally able to get the curtain closed.

I point to the now curtained portrait. "Just saying a nice villa on the beach in Maldives doesn't have that."

"Alright everyone, I think that's enough for today," I tell the fourth years. Everyone starts to pack up their belongings. "Remember your essays on chapter nine are due next Monday." Everyone mumbles a response and nods. "Harry." He stops and looks at me. "Can I have a word?"

second//bill weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now