(A little information as to why I'm not posting as much. That's where I'm at now^)
3rd Person
Austin recoiled at the two green eyes. Silas' deep voice reached his ears, but he was speaking low. Too low. "Austin. Get up, now. Hunters; they've infiltrated the pack. Get ready. You have fifteen minutes to do whatever you need to do." And then he was gone.The blonde boy was up within seconds, tugging on clothes appropriate for running and, if it came to it, fighting. He was out the door in three minutes tops and didn't even bother knocking on the door down the hall. The door swung open, revealing his red haired mate pacing across the floor. The other two boys were still sleeping soundly in their bed. Her eyes widened at his appearance. His disheveled hair, the panic shining clearly in his eyes. The panic ebbed slightly when he saw her.
Alex flew across the room as fast as she could without waking her brothers. She crashed into Austin, wrapping her arms tightly around him. "You're okay," He whispered mostly to himself. "You're okay, you're safe. I'm gonna protect you. Where's Jason?"
"Max burst in. Somehow he didn't wake the boys. He explained the situation, and then he and Jason just left. There was no sign of you, and I started to worry and now I don't know where Jason is and-"
"Shh," Austin rubbed her back. "I'm sure they're okay. But just to make sure, I'm going to go find him, I promise. I'll be back." He hugged her tighter before letting go. "I'll be back," he promised as he disappeared through the door.
He raced down the hallway and took the stairs three or four at a time. Rounding the corner onto the main floor, he saw Max, Silas, Jason, Raphael, and Raph's men. "Raphael," He called. "What's going on?"
"The hunters are done waiting. They entered at the Eastern border; they're camped out there. What do we do?"
"Your men aren't ready. Nowhere near ready. But we'll have to make do with what they learned the other day. Raph, remember the plans we went over a couple days ago? What my pack does when hunters come a little too close to home." He was in full alpha mode, ready to defend Blood Moon like it was his own pack. "Kayla, get the team together. Kye, you help her. Divide into two groups. Jonah, Harry, you're going to help by making sure that none of the pack members leave this building except in an emergency case. Max, you're with Kayla. Silas, you're with Kye. Raphael, you're with me."The group of men around them quickly split into two groups. "Silas and Kye, your group is staying inside the border to protect the pack should they come in. Watch yourselves, we don't know what kinds of weapons they have. Max and Kayla, your group is the distraction. Your job is to make as much noise as you possibly can to try and draw them out of pack lands. Raphael and I will help wherever we're needed. Use whatever means are necessary to get rid of them. Try to refrain from killing them, please.
"Silas' group. I want half of you to shift so that you're at the ready if need be. Max's group, all of you need to shift. It'll be easier. It's just like a pack, but smaller. You're going to need a leader, the main body, the one at the end, and two shadows. The shadows are to watch your back. Choose wisely- shadows don't shift."
Jason came and laid a hand on his shoulder. "What do I do?"
"You," he said, "are going to go up and stay with Alex and the boys. She's out of her mind with worry. It's not that I doubt your abilities, Jason, I'm just trying to keep Alex safe."
"Alex can defend herself! Plus, she has both Chris and Aidan with her. I'm the best person you have, let me in this fight." His lavender eyes were full of a cold, hard determination that looked so much like the look Austin had seen in Will's eyes that he gave in.
The Luna
Werewolf~*~* ON HOLD*~*~ Alex Arrowwood is the abused, muted daughter of an alpha. She and her two younger brothers must escape her original pack, and then things complicate even more. Now Alex must choose: her mate, or her family?