Chapter IX

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Bon bon was just comforting CC. So I ran towards the party room as if nothing happened."Where is Foxy? I told Mangle to bring him here to me.",Frederick said."I'm right here",Foxy said. Their conversation went on and I was just lonely in the party room.

I could hear a camera moving all the time. Suddenly, I saw a red flash infront of me. I wonder if someone's spying on us. I looked closer and I feel like a person is watching me. I raised both my arms and said "hey can you please help me? I lost both hands and I can't do anything.",Then the camera stopped blinking red lights.

The door opened and I saw a little kid holding a golden necklace."Oh! hey! Glad to see you! I'm balloon boy! Boss said we should go to the game room for me to guard you.",Balloon boy said. I stood up and followed him."Hey where did you get that necklace?",I asked."Oh the boss ripped it from that pirate fox and threw it, so I just got it.",he answered."well can I have it back?",I kept following him."it isn't yours. But I will give it back to Foxy.",Balloon boy replied.

I was wondering why Frederick ripped the necklace. While Balloon boy kept talking I really wanted lose him and got to the office."Hello? hello? Umm........",I could hear a telephone speaking. I rushly entered the office and went infront of the man. He wore a freddy mask. I was wondering why so I just went back to the hallway. I was just watching him flip and close the laptop. I think that's what activates the cameras.

He turned on the light in the left air vent and balloon boy was there."Umm, is Chica here? Oh it's just Freddy.",he said. I went to the stage where they were talking." Foxy?! Why are you on the ground?",I asked worringly." out of here, they'll kill you!",Foxy said in a cracking voice. I suddenly saw Frederick and Freddy coming towards me."Oh welcome back Chica, are you ready to die?.",Frederick said." It wasn't only me, Bonnie and Foxy were the ones that fought! Also Freddy! I swear!", I said to Frederick." Don't listen to her Frederick. She's tricky sometimes.",Freddy said."we will kill you for breaking the rules.",Frederick brought out a weapon. "What about your friends Frederick?! They fought too!", I shouted. Frederick ran towards me and Bon Bon, CC and Mangle followed.

I thought I would die again this time. But Foxy pushed Frederick and attacked Frederick. No!",Foxy shouted."Why do you want to kill us anyway?!", I asked and shouted. I mean exactly, why do they want to kill us? "We want to be the real animatronics! Not you!", Bon Bon jumped over me and attacked me. I was loosing control. I didn't want to be evil again and have red eyes. But I have to. So I lost control and attacked."YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!",I screamed. I started kicking Bon Bon first then CC then Mangle."tis is over Frederick!

Five Nights at Freddy's, Foxy x ChicaWhere stories live. Discover now