Chapter VII

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I was wondering why that girl animatronic is mad at me."Foxy and I have been friends WHEN we were little.",she said. Doesn't she mean 'since we were children'?."Right Foxy babes?",she said."we're no longer friends mangle! You tricked us before we died!",Foxy was so mad. "You're just little fools!",mangle said."This isn't over mangle.",Foxy replied."Oh it isn't, just wait until your head is with me. Honey boo",mangle replied.

"Mangle, what do you mean by 'WHEN we were little?'",I asked while Foxy went out of the room."Oh you don't know yet chicken?",she said."we were dead 6 years ago! Thanks to Marionette! He made us alive!",she continued."ok, thanks for your loud answer.",I said and went to follow Foxy. Foxy is acting weird right now. Like he's never been acting like that before.

"Foxy, whatever that is bothering you PLEASE tell me!",I told him."Ok fine.Tis just I still can't forget the day I died. How I lost me family. How bout ye? Ye just remember a little, that's why ye'r not sad. And now I meet mangle? Tis one who betrayed me?",He said while we were walking in the hallway."Oh Foxy, this isn't just about you. Just forget the past and look forward. Please, I need you. You're the only one who knows about this pizzeria.",I said. He looked at me for a while and hugged me.

"Hey you two lovebirds knock it off. We have to get ready for tommorrow.",Freddy said."Why? Where are we going?",I asked"Chica...just get ready and I'll tell you later.",He answered. I just nodded and I went to the stage to get ready."Hey! None of you is on stage anymore! We replaced you right?!",A soft voice answered."You three won't stay on stage. We are.",A blue bunny went close and held her hips. "And who are you?",Freddy asked."Oh, I'm Bon Bon. The new version of Bonnie.",Bon Bon said while looking at her nails."By the way, where is Bonnie?",Foxy asked."Oh we beat him up in the parts and service room. Check him up haha",she laughed in an evil we got a high school drama.

So we ran to the parts and service."Bonnie?",Freddy whispered."Guys...I-I-I'm broken.",Bonnie said in a cracking voice."Bonnie!", the three of us shouted.

Five Nights at Freddy's, Foxy x ChicaWhere stories live. Discover now