Truth or Dare!!! 05

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Phil : " by the way, who dared Loki to be a 'lolita' type ?" he asked the Avengers.

Bruce : "uh- ummmm....." with hesitation sound on his tone, Tony help him to answer it.

Tony : "That's a good question Phil, the answer is Bruce"

Phil : "hey come on, Bruce isn't that type of a person........right ?" a disbelief and caution look shot at the Avengers.

Natasha : "Don't judge people by their cover, Phil- he maybe innocent, cute, good looking, genius -"

Clint : "AHEM!!!"

Tony : "Oooo~, someone is jealous~" giving Clint the look and wiggling his eyebrows.

Clint : "Shut up, Stark, I'm not jealous"
Tony : "Since when did I say 'you're' jealous" he grin.

Clint : "W-whatever...." his whole face were covered in crimson colour.

Tony : "Clint and Natasha sitting on the coach, K.I.S.S.I.N.G~" he sang while others just smiling and giggling to themselves.

Natasha : "Ha.Ha so mature Tony" rolling her eyes, To admit it, she finds Clint cute when he blushed.

Steve : "ok guys, I'll spin the bottle"

[Steve spins the bottle and stops at Phil]

Phil : "Yusss~"

Tony : "Coulson, Truth or Dare ?"

Phil : "I'll Choose Truth~~" he was so cheerful and for some reason......he had a pink-ish and sparkling backgrounds with flowers surrounding him.

Steve : "" Steve have no idea what to ask Phil until Tony places his hand on Steve's shoulder.

Tony : "Do you want me to ask him a question for you?"

Steve : "Sure" with a sweet smile on his face.

Tony : "Ok Phil, How many cards do you have of Steve and how many time do you watched him sleep, besides when he was frozen ?" The tone to Tony's question are more likely a little bit sarcastic in to it but surely he's serious.

Everyone stare at Phil, wanting to know the answer and if Phil try to lie, Loki would tell them.

Phil : "hahaha.....about that- umm the card part, I almost have a dozen of them and also some other 'stuff '- " he was uncomfortable to tell the truth and answering the next question, wishing he could have chosen dare...

Phil : "Can I skip the last question ?-"

Tony : "Nope!" a quick response from Tony.

Phil : "Ok here goes" he took a deep breath.

Phil : "Almost everyday......."

Everybody were stunned including Steve, who's trying his best to make a straight face. Yes, we do know he's an agent and all but isn't that just.....too much ?

Bruce : "Well this is quite-"

Clint : "Hawkward~"

Loki and Thor : "Indeed I agree"

Phil : "But I stopped when you guys got married.......'sometimes' and by sometimes I mean 'Often' " he muttered the last word to himself in a low tone and only Black Widow know what he said.

Tony : "So how do you feel now, cap ?"

Steve : "I don't wike it" he whisper to Tony in a cute way which he didn't notice that he said 'Like' to 'Wike'.

Tony blush and from the inside he is clearly squealing and screaming happily.

(If you haven't watch the video on YouTube about Chris Evan Incidently said 'I don't Wike it' during his interview on Avengers : Age Of Ultron , then you should >w< he is So CUTE!!!!)

A/N : Forgive me for not uploading for SO long, my dear. I got caught up on my exam...which I really hate and thanks god that this is my last year of school. I would like to say Thank you to Skyler_112 and SamMaggiolino for your suggestion on Truth or Dare.

I shall upload the next chapter soon and as always leave a comment or suggestion for Truth or Dare, give a vote and Thank you for reading.

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