Truth or Dare!!! 06 (1)

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It wasn't long until Phil spins the bottle and stop at Natasha.

Phil.C : "Agent Romanoff, Truth or Dare ?"

Natasha : "Dare" she gave Phil a cheeky grin.

Phil look at the others with the 'help me' expression and look at Clint. Clint raised his hand in surrendering gesture and shake his head furiously and turn to Bruce. Bruce raise his arm and make a symbol 'X' that says no and look at Thor.

Thor : "Ney, I shall not! How about you, Loki ?" Asking Loki, hoping he would take the offer.

Loki : "No" both him and thor turn at Steve.

Steve : "Tony, do you have any idea cause I don't want to be hunt down by a top secret agent assassin"

Tony : "Ugh- I'm gonna regret this but meh"

Tony look at Natasha and smile.

Tony : "I dare you to tell us the truth. Who's from our team member you had kissed on the lip before" he bet it was only Clint and Bruce so he only smile.

Natasha grin at the dare and take a quick glance at the others.

Natasha : "Clint and Bruce-"

Tony : "Yes I knew it!!!" He cheered.

Natasha : "-and also Steve" she continue.

Clint and Bruce were stunned especially Phil Coulson and turn their attention to Steve. Tony froze at his spot, his eyes wide open and eyes on Steve with fake smile plastered on his face.

Tony : "Oh.My.God. Cap, care to explain- cause you said that you didn't kiss anyone else other than Peggy and me and yet- you f**king lied to me and your cheating on me!!!"

Steve : "it's not what you think, Sweety--"

Tony: "OH. It's not what I think!!!"

Steve : "Naaaaaaaaaaat!!!" in a panic mode.

Natasha laugh so hard while holding her stomach.

Natasha : "Ok ok, that's enough Tony. It's like this, during our mission we were being hunt down by agents and we were in disguise at that moment as a normal couple and we were nearly spotted by one of the agents-"

Steve : "We don't know what to do!"

Natasha : "-and that's when I 'forcefully' kissed him"

Tony : "Soooo there is nothing between you two ?"

Steve : "As a Brother and Sister, yes but others, no"

Natasha just nods in agreement.

Tony : "I'm not buying it but I'll try to slowly digesting it......."

Natasha : "Whatever" she shrugs her shoulders and take the bottle.

[Natasha spins the bottle and stops at Clint]

Clint swallow a lump in his trout.

Natasha : "Truth or Dare, Clint ?"

Clint : "'Honey', you know I'll pick Dare" with a confident smile on his face.

Natasha lean toward to Clint's ear and whisper. Clint smiles faded away and replaced by petrified look.

Clint : "You Seriously want me to do that !?"

Natasha : "You choose dare didn't you" with a devilish grin.

Everyone stare at Clint.

Bruce : "So what's the dare ?"

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